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District 2 planning commissioner sought


The District 2 seat on the Seal Beach Planning Commission is vacant and needs a mid-term replacement. Seal Beach Councilmember Tom Moore will recommend a candidate for council approval in the next few weeks. Leisure World residents who live in District 2 and are interested should email him at with their resume and qualifications.

Candidates must live in District 2, which includes Rosmoor Center, College Park West and LW east of St. Andrews Drive. That’s Mutuals 10-17 and part of Mutual 1.

The Planning Commission, which is comprised of five members appointed by the city council, deals with land-use issues and reviews potential future building projects in Seal Beach. It meets the first and third Wednesdays of the month at 7 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 211 Eighth St. in downtown Seal Beach. The commission’s specific duties and powers are contained in Chapter 3.10 (Boards and Commissions) of the Municipal Code.

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