And the winners are . . .

story and photos by Patty Marsters
The results are in for the 2021 Christmas Tree Decorating Contest. With just one point separating the top two trees, the Recreation Committee chose to award a virtual tie to the Lapidary Club and Quilting Bees for their efforts in Clubhouses 4 and 3, respectively. Coming in second was the Arts and Crafts Guild’s tree in Clubhouse 1.
“Many, many thanks to all of you for the heart and soul you put into this,” Assistant Recreation Manager Kathy Thayer told the participating clubs. “Every tree is an amazing example of what our clubs are capable of.”
This year’s contest theme was “We Are in This Together,” highlighting the community’s struggle through COVID, as well as its unity through its diversity. Five clubs were chosen to decorate prelit trees in the clubhouse lobbies according to interpretation of the theme, representation of the individual club and overall presentation.
The Lapidary Club’s tree featured hand-crafted ceramic, beaded and glass ornaments, including angels made to honor those who died of COVID this year. (LWers who requested angels can contact Thuy Do for the special ornaments after the tree is taken down in January.)
Quilting squares and spools of ribbon were on prominent display on the Quilting Bees’ tree. The Arts and Crafts Guild’s tree also featured hand-made treasures, such as carolers crafted from discarded soda cans, tiny pom-pom hats and portraits of each club member.
The tree in Clubhouse 2 was bedecked in ornaments befitting a club called Let the Good Times Roll. And the Theater Club’s tree in Clubhouse 6 celebrated the magic of movies.
The Lapidary Club received a $100 Amazon gift card; the Quilting Bees were awarded the same amount to Panera. The Arts and Crafts Guild were given a $50 certificate to Lucille’s Barbecue.
Winners from the Lapidary Club (top) and theArts and Crafts Guild pose with their winning trees.
The Clubhouses 2 and 6 trees clearly represent Let the Good Times Roll and Theater Club.