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Hot Shots Down Sliders

Shuffleboard League continued on Dec. 3, with the Hot Shots defeating the Sliders 11-7 on the Clubhouse 1 courts. The Sliders’ all-game winner was Linda Peters.

After three weeks of league play, the Hot Shots remain in first place, with Sliders in second and Shufflers in third.

Shuffleboard is a low-impact sport that gets you off the couch, is easy to learn and is fun exercise. Regularly scheduled practices are Tuesdays at 5 p.m. Starting time for league play is 8:30 a.m. on Fridays; players should arrive on time to get a starting position.

BYOB practice nights, tournaments and other social events are being planned for Shuffleboard members and their guests. New members are welcome to join for the fraternization and socialization. Contact Dave LaCascia at (801) 674-5975 for more information.

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