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Holiday party will be held on Friday, Dec. 17, in CH 3, Room 2

Holiday party will be held on Friday, Dec. 17, in CH 3, Room 2 Holiday party will be held on Friday, Dec. 17, in CH 3, Room 2


The Sunshine Club will hold its second in-person gathering of the year this Friday, Dec. 17, at 10 a.m., in celebration of the club’s 10 -ear anniversary. The gathering will be held at Clubhouse 3, Room 2, for those who have RSVP’ed, with catered Japanese foods from the local restaurant Kampai and dessert donated by members.

Tickets to the holiday party are sold out. Due to the staff shortage from the restaurant, only 50 members were allowed to sign up.

After a brief catch-up session on community affairs, with time for questions and answers. Sunshine Club members will enjoy social time over teriyaki chicken, mixed tempura, salad and rice in individualized boxes in an effort to adhere to safe practices regarding COVID-19.

Each person who attends will leave with a group photo of all the members as a souvenir.

Over the course of this year, the Sunshine Club invited many community leaders and administrative supervisors. Each guest speaker provided residents with educational and beneficial information.

The club will resume Zoom meetings in January and will evaluate each month whether it is safe to meet in person. The club doesn’t charge the membership fees and welcomes new members.

The Sunshine Club is taking a break after the holiday party so members will have time with family and friends over the holidays.

The club will have the first meeting on Jan. 14, and will welcome Director of the GRF Security Department, Victor Rocha.

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