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Community Church

Community Church Community Church

Last week, Community Church looked at what it means to be planted in darkness. This entire year, which begins with the Christian season of Advent, looks at how believers grow.

Community Church will look at the first hints of new life springing forth as the baby John the Baptist is leaping and kicking in Elizabeth’s womb.

Pastor Johan Dodge has been using the metaphor of seeds planted in darkness because this has seemed like such a time of darkness. But the truth is, even if the world was not living in a pandemic, this would still be a time of transition.

Community Church has been pleased to welcome many new people into worship over the last several weeks, many of whom have moved into Leisure World in the midst of the pandemic.

Life at every stage is about letting go of what was and embracing what now is. Sometimes that is easy and enjoyable and other times it is burdensome and worrying; through it all, people continue to grow and transition.

Those who find themselves at a new transition point and are looking for some support to continue their growth can join Community Church for worship.

Community Church has a new heating and air system with filtration and rapid air exchange to make in-person worship safer. Masks must be worn to attend in person worship.

People can watch the service on Facebook @communitychurchleisureworld.

Those who don’t have Facebook can call the church office or email leisurewccsue@ for the Zoom link.

Those who are in need without another way to address that need can call the church office to leave a message at (562) 431-2503.

Community Church's nativity scene is out on display.

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