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Presidents’ Council Recap Dec. 2

The regular monthly meeting of the Presidents’ Council of Leisure World Seal Beach was convened at 9:02 a.m., by President Jackie Dunagan, on Dec. 2 in Clubhouse 4 and via Zoom. The following is a recap of that meeting:

• The regular monthly Council meeting minutes of Nov. 4 were approved by the Council, as printed.

• Facilities Director Mark Weaver provided an update on Fenn Pest Control.

• Mutual Administration Director Jodi Hopkins provided an update for Mutual Administration monthly reports and Stock Transfer monthly reports.

• Executive Director Randy Ankeny provided an update on the Management Agreement and the Bulk Cable Agreement.

• Marty Williams, Mutual 17 board member, and Eloy Gomez, safety and emergency coordinator, presented the Emergency Preparedness Communications.

• The presidents offered comments during the proceedings of the meeting.

• Dunagan adjourned the meeting at 10:20 a.m. Next Council meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 6, at 9 a.m. in Clubhouse 4 and via Zoom.

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