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Letters to the Editor


Thank you to Fitness Fusion Club President Marion Higgins for her extreme dedication in keeping the club going strong during all the COVID-related changes regarding exercise classes.

Whatever GRF Recreation Department required of the Fitness Fusion Club, Marion was right there on time to every Recreation meeting and with the right paperwork required.

Then Marion kept members updated about the everchanging details, such as mask requirements, meeting location changes, sign-in sheet requirements, schedule changes, etc.

And then, the COVID grand finale—at 5 on a recent morning, Marion sent club members an email with a last-minute change, effective that day, a 5 a.m. email! Thank you, Marion, for your extreme dedication.

Debbi Fudge Mutual 1 Editor:

Recently I went to the big post office on Westminister Boulevard and was surprised by the line snaking out of the building. Most people were mailing packages already. I was there to purchase international airmail stamps. I am not ready for packages yet.

When I got home, I started to work on my family and friends’ packages. I still have to buy books to be included for the younger generation. The teacher in me is deeply rooted, and I always give a variety of books to younger relatives to enhance their love and appreciation of reading (instead of computer games).

Hopefully, the packages will be on time for the holidays.

The spirit of Christmas is around the corner. Department stores are beginning to be decorated with lovely Christmas decorations and the holiday music is so enchanting. Soon I will be one of those enthusiastic buyers busy selecting gifts for family, friends, neighbors and associates.

Lisa A. Dickson Mutual 1


I was reading the Nov. 11 Republican Club article that listed Critical Race Theory and said it’s being taught in public schools. Critical Race Theory is NOT being taught in public schools. It is taught in graduate law school. Get your facts straight.

Bev Bender Mutual 17

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