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Women’s Golf Club

The Nov. 2 Women’s Golf Club tournament presented some special challenges. Golfers played from temporary tee boxes because the tee box areas are being seeded and replanted. Also, the greens are being aerated, leaving hole punctures. This process is tradionally done twice a year to help keep the greens in tip-top shape.

There were 45 ladies participating in the weekly competition, playing for low gross, low net and circle hole No. 8, for which golfers attempted to hit the ball from the temporary tee box directly into the circle surrounding Hole 8. The club extends a hearty congratulations to Sally Park, who was the only player whose golf ball landed within the circle.

The flight winners were:

Flight A: Low gross: tie between Linda Herman and Janice Turner, 29; low net: tie between Susie Kim and Jane Song, 27.

Flight B: Low gross: Sally Park, 29; low net: Young Yoon, 23.

Flight C: Low gross: Kay Hong, 31; low net: tie between Marilyn Hewitt, Dale Quinn and Mary Devlin, 23.

Flight D: Low gross: Neva Senske, 38; low net: Joyce Bausch, 24.

—Dale Quinn

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