New exhibit showcases artwork of local veterans

A new exhibit at Heroes Hall on the Orange County Fairgrounds will showcase the artwork of 24 local veterans and active U.S. service members. Called “Through Their Eyes: Artwork by Active Military and Veterans,” the exhibit features artists who have expressed their individual experiences through a variety of mediums including sculpture, photography, painting, carving and woodworking.
The artists’ subjects are as unique as the artists themselves and range from combat scenes to flowers, from landscapes to surreal portraits. Though their artwork varies by subject and individual perspective, one thing unifies them: they have all served in the U.S. Armed Forces.
Heroes Hall Museum is dedicated to honoring U.S. service members and providing a place where they can tell their stories. For this exhibit, military service members have conveyed their personal experiences through the use of color, perspective, texture and distinct style.
Heroes Hall is open for self tours Wednesdays-Sundays from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. It is next to Centennial Farm; enter at Gate 1. For more information, visit ocfair. com/heroeshall. The OC Fair & Event Center, 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, is home to the annual OC Fair and Imaginology.