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Cribbage Club

Though the Cribbage Club’s first-place winner, with a score of 843, wishes to remain anonymous, other winners for Nov. 2 include: Second place: Adair Paul, 831; third: Connie Deady, 829; fourth: Myrna Baker, 828.

Joyce Basch won six out of seven games but was out of money.

The club thanks Bob Berry and Irvine Bernstein for the ice cream sandwiches and drumsticks they served to the 58 cribbage players assembled. Members who want to bring cake and ice cream in celebration of birthdays or any other special occasion may sign up on the calendar, available at the front table at meetings. Serving begins at noon.

Seven games of cribbage are playedeachTuesdayinClubhouse 1 beginning at 12:30 p.m. Yearly dues are $3, plus $1 each week to be paid at the table.

For extra assistance in learning or brushing up on cribbage, contact Patti Smith at (562) 2424674 (messages okay).

—Marilyn Chelsvig

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