Ceremony to mark Tomb of Unknown Soldier anniversary will be tomorrow at Veterans Plaza

A ceremony to mark the 100th Anniversary of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier will be held Friday, Nov. 5, at 10:30 a.m. at Veterans Plaza. All residents are invited to attend. The centennial anniversary is being celebrated across the nation.
The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Honor Guard Society asked chapters of the National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) across the country to find meaningful locations to designate as “Never Forget” gardens.
The Veterans Memorial Rose Garden in LW was selected to be the site of a “Never Forget” marker with a fitting tribute honoring all who have served in the United States military.
The Los Cerritos Chapter DAR, represented by Mutual 6 resident Nancy Garrett, among others, has donated this marker to Leisure World.
The GRF Recreation Committee and GRF Board of Directors approved the permanent installation at the Veterans Memorial garden.
On Veterans Day, Nov. 11, the public is invited to join the Los Cerritos Chapter of the DAR in partnership with the Society of the Honor Guard of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier to mark the 100th anniversary of this sacred site.
The event will start at 11 a.m. at Bethany Lutheran Church, 4644 Clark Ave., Long Beach.
A 21-bell salute will be rung, a color guard will present the colors, the “Star-Spangled Banner” will be sung, and taps will be played to honor this iconic monument to the nation’s fallen soldiers.
For more information on the LW Veterans Day service hosted by American Legion Post 327 in Clubhouse 2, see page 12.