Security, SBPD seeking ways to foster safe driving

Traffic safety is a growing concern in Leisure World. With two recent car-vs.-scooter collisions that caused injuries and an increasing number of tickets being handed out, Seal Beach police, GRF officials and Security staff are seeking ways to calm traffic and bolster safety on LW streets.
Security Services Director Victor Rocha and Seal Beach police, who are routinely in LW for traffic control, report that traffic violations inside LW are escalating.
Since Oct. 4, SBPD has issued about 125 citations here for various violations, according to Sgt. Jordan Mirakian.
SBPD Detective Jon Ainley reported that LW residents regularly communicate to him their concerns about unsafe drivers.
Ainley and Mirakian are reviewing various options to help mitigate the ongoing problem, including compliance checkpoints for infractions such as failure to have a driver’s license and other forms of directed enforcement.
SBPD will ultimately present potential remedies for consideration by the GRF.
Meanwhile, Security is looking at speed cushions and similar traffic calming devices, among other solutions, including ways to stop unlicensed drivers from operating vehicles inside LW.
To that end, Security has requested that the LW Weekly and other LW information outlets inform residents that anyone operating a vehicle in LW is required to have a valid DMV license any time they drive, no matter how short the trip.
Also the speed limit in LW is 25 mph. Drivers should come to full stops at all signs and lights, and be alert for pedestrians, carts, scooters and bikes in intersections.
Pedestrians, bikers, scooters and carts share LW streets with cars. Drivers, bikers and walkers should be alert in intersections, where traffic merges. A woman was injured in an accident Oct. 15 after a car collided with her scooter as she was crossing the road. The speed limit is 25 mph in LW.