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Recap of GRF Board Activity, Oct. 26

Approved Consent Agenda MOVED and approved the consent agenda, including the minutes of the following meetings: Finance Committee, Sept. 20; GRF Administration, Sept. 2; Physical Property Committee, Sept. 8; Recreation Committee, Aug. 30; GRF Board, Sept. 28. Plus, the acceptance of the Financial Statement, September, and the approval for Capital and Reserve funds investment purchases.

General IndoorTrustPropertyFaceMasks Required: FAILED TO MOVE to extend the face mask requirement until the next Board meeting, at which time the Board will consider prevalent public health and safety conditions for possible extension.

MOVED to approve a face mask requirement within Trust Property administrative areas and all GRF and Mutual meetings within Trust Property to protect the health and safety of GRF staff, as directed by the executive director and/or as required by applicable federal, state and county health orders.

Primary and Main Sewer Line R& M Responsibilities: MOVED to approve, effective Oct. 26, GRF, throughitsBoardofDirectors,shall maintain, repair and manage the storm drain system.

Communications/It Amend Policy 20-2807-1, GRF Emergency Text Parameters: CONCURRED to remove from the agenda and sent back to the committee 20-2807-1.

GRF Administration Non-Budgeted Operating 2.6 Full Time Employee Operating Expense: MOVED to approve nonbudgeted funding in the amount of $31,500—allocated to Cost Center 533, Stock Transfer ($9,000); Cost Center 236, News ($12,000); Cost Center 934, IT ($10,500)—and to approve the hiring of the additional 2.6 FTEs in 2021, as outlined in the 2022 Budget.

ApprovalofGRFElectionPacket: MOVED to approve the GRF Election packet, as presented, without Policy 30-5092-3 (see below).

Amend Policy 30-5026-3, GRF Election of Officers: MOVED to amend 30-5026-3, adding that an officer of the Board may not have been convicted of a financial crime and to refer to Policy 30-5020-1 for more information concerning being on a Mutual Board and GRF Boardsimultaneously,aspresented.

Amend Policy 30-5092-1, Code of Ethics: MOVED to amend 30-5092-1 updating document language and removing 2.2 Acts unilaterally, as presented.

Amend Policy 30-5092-3, Board of Directors Censure Procedure: CONCURRED toremovefromthe agenda and sent back to the committee 30-5092-3forfurtherreview.

Physical Property ReserveFundingRequest—Main SewerLinesReplacement,Mutual 9: MOVED to approve GRF director from Mutual 9 to be recused from voting.

MOVED to approve the reimbursement of $163,350, Reserve Funding, to Mutual 9 for the replacement of a main sewer line and associated manhole and clean out hub and to authorize the director of Finance to transfer the funds to Mutual 9.

Recreation ReserveFundingRequest—Clubhouse 4, Ceramics Studio Kilns: MOVED to approve funding, in an amount not to exceed $19,000.00, to purchase three new kilns, with funds coming from the replacement reserves;thepurchaseofthree new Skutt Kilns from Laguna Clay Co. in the amount of $13,391.22, from the replacement reserves; and contingency funds of $5,608.78, to upgrade the existing electrical as needed.

Temporary Variance to Policy

70-1406-1, Limitation on Use of Trust Property—Rules: MOVED

to amend to 70-1406-1, updating and clarifying document language, as presented.

TENTATIVE VOTE: Amend Policy 70-1429.02-1, Golf Course Rules: MOVED to amend 70-1429.02-1, adding to the rules that no dogs be allowed on the golf course and that Authorized Residents not playing shall not cross the course, as presented, pending a 28-day notification to the members and a final decision by the GRF Board of Directors on Dec. 28.

Amend Policy 70-1422-3, Marquee Usage: MOVED to amend 70-1422-3, updating the document language, as presented.

Amend Policy 70-1406-1, Limitation on Use of Trust Property— Rules: MOVED to amend 70-1406-1, updating and clarifying document language, as presented.

Security, Bus & Traffic Reserve Funding Request —New Two-Way Radios: MOVED to approve the purchase of 16 twoway radios and eight microphones at a cost not to exceed $6,645.50, reserve funding.

Website Redesign Ad Hoc Approval for New Website to go Live: MOVED to approve the replacement of the existing GRF website with the newly designed site.

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