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Phyllis Sadie Mitchell 1921-2021 ….

Phyllis Sadie Mitchell  1921-2021 …. Phyllis Sadie Mitchell  1921-2021 ….

Phyllis Sadie Mitchell 1921-2021

Phyllis Sadie Mitchell (Carslake) was born on May 19, 1921 in Vancouver, B.C. Canada. At her request, instead of a summary of her life, which she feels her family and close friends already know, the following poem Phyllis wrote in October 2010 will be used to honor her life.

The Doors of Life

Have you ever looked at life as a series of doors, opening and closing?

When we are born, the first door opens, closes, and from that time on throughout our lives we open and close many doors.

Each one offers us new choices and brings new challenges.

We ask ourselves, what will this one bring? new love, friends, happiness, adventures? did I make the right choice?

We stumble along life’s way making right and wrong choices but storing up memories for our later life.

As that time approaches, we find we are getting reluctant to open them, but we must go on enjoying every moment and every memory.

Too soon it is time to open that final door, but now is the time to be strong and...

Who knows...just maybe... this door will lead us on the most wondrous adventure of them all... and never close.

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