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Guys & Gals Tournament

Guys & Gals Tournament Guys & Gals Tournament

On Oct. 20, 34 teams of one man and one woman played the Leisure World Guys & Gals Tournament at the Turtle Lake Golf Course. Three flights competed for best net scores, four circle holes (within a 5-foot circle), and two closest-to-thepin challenges.

At the opening 7:30 a.m. tee time, the weather was cool but comfortable. The sun made an early appearance, though it never really got warm. The greens and fairways are in very good shape. The tee boxes have numerous unrepaired divots, so golfers’ tee shots are suffering.

Under these conditions, 30 of the 34 teams were net at or below par (several well below), but surprisingly, there were only four circle hole winners and no holes-in-one.

All scores are net (gross score minus handicap). A Flight encompasses golfers with handicaps of 0-10; B Flight, 11-13; and C Flight, 14-18.

A Flight: First place: Bill Lyons and Pam Krug, a very wellplayed 12 under 42; second: Gene Archambault and Stella Yoon, a really nice 11 under 43; third: Young Lee and Hae Lee, a superb 8 under 46; fourth: tie between James Farr and Sandy Derouin and Dong Kim and Devora Kim, a very good 7 under 47; fifth: tie between Glenn Barry and Karen Mendon, Paul Alloway and Ann Tran, Jae H. Lee and Sun Lee, and Bob Barnum and Kyung Ju, a fine 6 under 48.

B Flight: First place: Tom Owens and Helen Yoon, a terrific 10 under 44; second: Dale Williamson and Mary Grieg, a super 7 under 47; third: tie between Dave LaCascia and Liz Meripol and Joon Sup Yoon and Young Yoon, a sweet 5 under 49; fourth: tie between Kyoo Choi and Sandy Kim and Bruce Bowles and Joyce Basch, a neat 4 under 50.

C Flight: First place: tie between Brian Tivnan and Patty Littrell and Ryan Hong and Kay Hong, a fabulous 9 under 45; second: tie between Bill Zurn and Neva Senske and Marv Jones and Marilyn Hewitt, an excellent 8 under 46; third: Sang Kim and Soo Kim, a good 1 under 53.

Closest to the pin on the par-3 second hole were Brian Tivnan and Marilyn Hewitt, and on the par-3 11th hole, it was Steven Ro and Sang Young Am.

The Women’s Golf Club Tournament, the Guys & Gals Tournament, and the upcoming Men’s Golf Club Tournament are asking golfers to help Breast Cancer Angels, a small local charity dedicated to giving immediate financial support to families who include someone with breast cancer. Everyone is invited to help fill the donation jar.

The next Guys & Gals Tournament will be Nov. 17. Anyone scheduled to play (check clubhouse bulletin board) who cannot should contact Alan Sewell at (541) 324-8558 or Dave LaCascia at (801) 674-5975 as soon as they know.

—Dave LaCascia

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