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Community Karaoke

Community   Karaoke Community   Karaoke

Ruby Johnson received a round of applause on Oct. 20 for her beautifully sung rendition of Whitney Houston’s hit song “I Will Always Love You.” She was among many performers who received such praise at last week’s karaoke party.

Host Walt Bier got the crowd’s attention with “Love Me With All Your Heart,” while Carolyn Mottola and Kenny Nortorleva chose Frank Sinatra hits. And Bev Adams, David Noble, Pat Paternostra and Ray Geierman sang tunes that had everyone tapping their feet. The audience was treated to a variety of music—from ballads to country and gospel to pop hits—from 30 performers.

Because of the high number of singers signing up, the club would like to remind its guests of a few rules:

• The cut-off time for submitting songs for the first session of singing is 7 p.m., unless the second round of singers has already started, in which case the performer’s first song will be put at the bottom of the second round.

• During the first session, if someone sang their first song as a solo, they may sing with someone else as a duet if it is the other person’s first song. (The same procedure applies during the second session.)

• Audience members should not sing along, but applauding the efforts of their friends and neighbors is always appreciated.

Everyone is welcome to the Wednesday night karaoke parties, which begin at 5:30 p.m. in Clubhouse 1.

–Margie Thompson

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