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Community Church

Community Church Community Church

Community Church’s annual “Sock it to Me” sock drive for Veterans will run through Sunday, Nov. 7. The Missions Team is accepting donations of new white men’s and women’s socks or monetary donations toward a bulk purchase. The socks will be delivered to the Long Beach VA hospital. People can bring socks or monetary donations to Sunday worship or to the church office Monday-Thursday.

In-person worship for those who are “masked, vaxed and relaxed” on Sunday, Oct. 31, at 9:50 a.m. Virtual services will still be available for those who are not ready to come back yet.

Community Church is a place where everything is designed with the first-time participant in mind. Those who have not felt welcome in church or have never participated in church before are welcome to attend.

Community Church is on Facebook @ Community-ChurchLeisureWorld. Those not on Facebook can contact the church office for the Zoom link.

Pastor Johan Dodge likes to remind all who are present that the word Gospel means “good news,” and if the word of God is being used in a way that isn’t good news, then it isn’t the true Gospel.

This week, Community Church will celebrate All Saints Sunday. All Saints is a day to remember people who have been lost in the past year. The last two years have been an ordeal, and although the pandemic is not completely finished, people can find comfort in knowing that God weeps with them. Anyone who would like to remember someone who has passed this year by having his or her name read or have a candle lit in their honor, can contact the church office on Oct. 28-29 by calling (562) 431-2503 or emailing leisurewccsue@

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