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Barnett-Mouton will talk about POLST

Barnett-Mouton will talk about POLST Barnett-Mouton will talk about POLST


Patty Barnett-Mouton, a master’s in gerontology candidate, will discuss how critically important it is for people to socially re-engage with others post-COVID and continue to develop and adapt to the world’s “new normal” at the Sunshine Club’s meeting on Friday, Oct. 29, at 10 a.m. via Zoom.

All shareholders are welcome to join the meeting at https:// 0?pwd=dExQR2dDblZSbUNkQ lVoclhrajFhUT09. The meeting ID is 874 2795 4280, and the passcode is 080651.

Those would like to get the Zoom link via email should text their name, Mutual number and email address to (562) 301-5339 no later than today, Oct. 28, at 5 p.m. (text only, no phone calls).

Barnett-Mouton will highlight how social engagement can contribute to risk reduction for dementia and other health issues. She also will talk about physicians’ orders for life-sustaining treatment.

Join the Sunshine Club to learn what COVID-19 has taught people about the importance of Advance Care Planning. They will go over Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) documents and how to make sure loved ones and doctors know your wishes. These important conversations can be difficult to initiate, and Barnett-Mouton will highlight ways to help facilitate the process.

Barnett-Mouton has served as the vice president for outreach and advocacy at Alzheimer’s Orange County since 2005. Prior to this position, she worked in hospice care for a number of years and held leadership positions with American Red Cross Blood Services and in pharmaceuticals with divisions of Johnson & Johnson.

Barnett-Mouton manages community, clinical and interfaith outreach, as well as the advocacy and public policy activities at the local, state and federal levels. She has served as co-chair of the OC POLST Coalition, now known as the OC Advance Care Planning Partners, since 2010. She has served on the Board of Directors for the Sacred Dying Foundation and currently sits on the Health and Nutrition Committee for the Senior Citizen Advisory Council in Orange County.

Barnett-Mouton has been a featured lecturer at many national meetings including: National POLST Paradigm Conference, California Council of Geriatrics and Gerontology, American Society on Aging National Conference, and the California Association of Health Services at Home Conference.

She has published several articles about the work done with Dr. Vincent Nguyen in the area of advance care planning. She holds graduate certificates in fundamentals of gerontology from USC and in palliative care chaplaincy from California State University at San Marcos; a bachelor’s of science in human services from Springfield College; and is currently enrolled in the master’s of gerontology program at California State University in Long Beach.

The Sunshine Club will continue to hold its meetings via Zoom until December and will re-evaluate the situation then.

For more information, contact Anna Derby at (562) 301-5339.

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