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The Shuffleboard Club held its first meeting of the year on Oct. 13. President Carrie Kistner reports that the meeting went “extremely well,” with 25 members present, 13 of them new players.

Based on attendance and participation, the new season is anticpated to begin at 8:30 a.m. on Nov. 12, depending on mask mandates. Notice will be made in LW Weekly as the time gets closer.

Practices will continue on Tuesdays and Saturdays at 9 a.m. at the shuffleboard courts by Clubhouse 1.

Shuffleboard is a low-impact sport that a) gets you off the couch, b) is easy to learn, and c) is fun exercise. The club invites all residents to join them for the fraternization and socialization, promising they’ll meet new people as well as have an entertaining time.

Over the course of the year, the Shuffleboard Club sponsors periodic happy hours, ice cream socials and monthly luncheons outside the community. There are also several tournaments, including a Turkey Shoot at Thanksgiving, Ham Shoot at Easter and a special tournament in memory of a passed player. The club also plans to have evening parties around Christmas, Valentine’s Day and St. Patrick’s Day.

Kistner will return as president, as will Ellie West as vice president, Sally Fowler as treasurer, and Dave LaCascia as advertising and communication chair. Taking over membership duties from past chair Geri McNulty will be Kay Mount, and Mary Milhone will turn over the secretary reins to Maureen “Mo” Habel.

—Dave LaCascia

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