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Genealogy Club

All are welcome to attend the Genealogy Club’s virtual meeting via Zoom on Oct. 27 at 10 a.m. Len Enlow will present “Immigration— Searching the Immigration Records.” Email the LWSB Genealogy Club at lwgenealogy@gmail. com to access the meeting link.

Enlow is a founding member of the Corona Genealogical Society, of which he has been president for five years. He has also prepared and published the society’s monthly newsletter since its inception. He became interested in family history 50 years ago when he received memorabilia on his family from a first cousin once removed. From that point on, he was hooked on genealogy and sought every fact, photo, letter and family history he could get. Enlow, who received his bachelor’s of science in electrical engineering from Pennsylvania State University and his master’s of science in engineering from California State University, Long Beach, retired from Boeing in January 1999 after 33 years of service. He is the author of “Hybrid Microcircuit Technology Handbook” and holder of two patents.

This meeting is also important because the formal election for 2022 Board members will be held. The candidates are Janet Lessin for president, Cynthia MacFarland for vice president, Ann Deane for secretary and Mary Larson for Treasurer. For more information, contact Mary Romero at (562) 810-4266.

—Mary Romero

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