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It’s a fire safety violation to prop open certain doors


On Aug. 10, the Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA) conducted a fire safety inspection of all GRF recreational facilities.

Propping fire-rated doors open with wood, plastic wedges or professionally installed door stoppers is a fire safety violation, according to the inspectors.

Fire-rated doors are designed to hold back fires for up to two hours. By propping open these doors, fires could easily spread to other areas in a matter of minutes.

Fire-rated doors are labeled with a metal strip on the hinge side of the door.

These doors are typically installed in gathering rooms, stairwells, kitchens and offices with exits toward hallways. They are always equipped with an autoclosing device such as a hinge or device mounted near the top of the door.

The GRF must comply with this safety regulation as it will incur a $250 fee for every violation. OCFA inspectors conduct reinspections to ensure compliance.

All door stoppers have been removed from fire-rated doors in all recreational facilities.

The OCFA is scheduled for a re-inspection this week. Residents should not prop open doors and are thanked for their cooperation. For more information, contact GRF Safety and Emergency Coordinator Eloy Gomez.

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