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Inaugural Korean CERT training class receives

Inaugural Korean CERT training class receives Inaugural Korean CERT training class receives

special vests from the Golden Age Foundation

The first Korean-speaking Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training in Leisure World happened earlier this year. Thirteen Korean- American Leisure World residents, plus two interpreters, graduated from the inaugural class.

A custom CERT vest was designed for the Korean speaking group to better serve the Korean-American population and increase Korean-American volunteer interest and participation. The custom vests feature a large CERT logo on the back, the word K-CERT in charcoal gray and a yellow LW-CERT logo in Korean.

The purchase of the custom vests was made possible with a donation from the Golden Age Foundation (GAF). The GAF believes it is important for Leisure World residents to understand and prepare for possible natural disasters. In the event the community might have to wait for help from first responders during an emergency for up to two weeks, it will depend on neighbors helping neighbors. The CERT program will be a valuable resource to everyone in the community during emergency situations.

CERT thanks the GAF for its continued support and for its help in making Leisure World a stronger, disaster-resilient community.

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