6pm CaptainJoeDisappears 6:15pm Alaska/LWRadioClub ….
6pm CaptainJoeDisappears
6:15pm Alaska/LWRadioClub
6:30pm St.AugustineRoadTrip
6:39pm AlbuquerqueHotAirBalloons
6:45pm Alaska/LWRadioClub
7pm SBCityCouncilMeeting LIVE
8:15pm TerryOtte& Abilene2021
10pm ShakespeareinthePark: Taming of the Shrew Tuesday, Oct. 12
4pm HeadMaster
4:10pm MysteryattheTheater
4:40pm BeginningofLeisureWorld
5pm TheStreetWhereILive/LW Hula 2021
5:30pm RoyOrbisonTribute2021
7pm VintageCarCruise
8:15pm LifeandTimesinSB: Rich Harbour/Kurt Augsburger
9:30pm FordTheater: Vaud and the Villians
10pm BobColeConservancy
Wednesday, Oct. 13
4pm GhostDanceNaomiNixon
4:03pm HalloweenPumkin Carving Contest
5pm MysteryattheTheater
5:32pm GameRoomClubhouse2
5:45pm AliensAmongUs
6pm TheStreetWhereILive
6:15pm Alaska/LWRadioClub
6:30pm ScaryStorieswithBill& Ethel
6:40pm VintageCarCruise2021
7:50pm St.AugustineRoadTrip
8pm RoyOrbisonTribute2021
9:30pm LiveattheFord: Vaud and the Villians
11:30 pm Bob Cole Conservancy *All programming is subject to change.