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Pool Club

The Leisure World Pool Club started the Fall Pool League season on Sept. 20 in Clubhouse 2 at 6:30 p.m. Eight three-person teams will meet every Monday night until Dec. 20.

Each team will play every other team twice. There will be a two-week break for the holidays, and on Jan. 10, we will have a dinner and sweepstakes in which every team will play every other team one game of eight-ball and none-ball.

Each team has an A-, B- and C-level player; all two-team matches are 13 points long. Partner games are played in alternateshot formats. Every player will play two games of eight-ball and nine-ball partners. They will also play one game of eight-ball and nine-ball singles. The final game of each night’s competition will involve one eight-ball match, with all three players alternating shots.

In the first match, Break ’em and Make ’em won 8-5 over Hot Shots. Sandy Bird, the C-level player for Break ’em and Make ’em, won six of her seven matches. Bird only lost her nine-ball doubles match.

The Fantastics edged the Favorites 8-5. The Fantastics B-level player, Rusty Aquino, won five games, including both eight-ball partner games. Pot Luck won 8-5 over 4-20. Pot Luck’s A-level player, Bob Barnum, won five games, including both none-ball partner games. Taking the early lead in the league, Ace in the Hole won their match over Go for Broke 10-3. Zelma Berkenkamp and Jerry Wrenn, the C- and B-level players for Ace in the Hole, both won six of their seven games.

—Dave Silva

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