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Men’s Golf Club

At the Leisure World Men’s Golf Club Tournament played on Sept. 22, 50 golfers vied for best net scores (gross score minus handicap), plus four circle holes (shots within a 5-foot circle rewarded) and two closest-tothe- pin challenges. The Turtle Lake Golf Course is a 1,658-yard, 18-hole, par-54 course, that has great fairways and greens. This week, on the front nine, golfers teed off using the red tees, while on the back nine, they used blue tees.

A Flight encompasses golfers with handicaps of 0-7, B Flight is 8-11, and C Flight is 12-18. All scores below are net (gross score minus handicap).

A Flight Winners: First place: Bob Barnum, a terrific 7 under 47; second: tie between June Um and Mike Mayfield, a nice 3 under 51; third: tie between Young Lee and Steve Walker, 1 under 53; fourth: Bill Long, even par 54. fifth: tie between Jae Kim, John Kolthoff and Seung Lee, 1 over 55; sixth: tie between Alan Sewell, Bruce Bowles and Ron Jackson, 2 over 56.

B Flight Winners: First place: Paul Alloway, a sweet 6 under 48; second: tie between Dale Williamson and Andrew Kim, a very nice 4 under 50; third: Youn Lee, 2 under 52; fourth: tie between Won Song and Joon Sup Yoon, even par 54; fifth: Ken Notorleva, 1 over 55; sixth: tie between Byron Schweitzer and Hyon Shin, 2 over 56.

C Flight Winners: First place: Sam Williamson, a very well-played 9 under 45; second: Steven Kang, an excellent 3 under 51; third: tie between Mike Carlson and Suk Im, 2 under 52; fourth: tie between Dave Winn and Manny Miranda,1 under 53; fifth: Rolando Ramirez, even par 54; sixth: Jack Haskins, 1 over 55.

Closest to the pin on the 80-yard, par-3 sixth hole was John Kolthoff, and at the par-3 15th hole, it was Youn Lee.

The next Men’s Tournament will be on Oct. 13. Golfers should arrive 15 minutes prior to their scheduled tee time and be ready to play. Anyone who had planned to play and cannot should contact Alan Sewell at (541) 324-8558 or Dave LaCascia at (801) 674-5975 as soon as they know.

—Dave LaCascia

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