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Give where you live by shopping with Amazon Smile

Give where you live by shopping with Amazon Smile Give where you live by shopping with Amazon Smile

Leisure World residents can donate to the Golden Age Foundation (GAF) while they shop by designating the GAF as their nonprofit charity when they sign up with Amazon Smile.

With every purchase made on Amazon Smile, a small percentage is donated to the GAF at no cost to residents.

Signing up with Amazon Smile can be done in a few easy steps:

• Sign into your existing Amazon account. If you don’t have an Amazon account, you can create one by signing in with your email address.

• Go to com and type in “Golden Age Foundation, Inc.” as the char- ity you’d like to support when prompted. Make sure the location is Seal Beach.

Once you have officially made the GAF your chosen charity, you can continue to shop as usual. Just make sure always type in when you shop.

Encourage family, friends and neighbors to support the GAF through Amazon Smile. Every donation, no matter how small, helps the GAF continue to assist the LW community. Friends an family who want to also donate through Amazon Smile do not need to be a LW resident in order to sign up.

The GAF receieved $288.14 in the last quarter through Amazon Smile alone. The GAF thanks those who contributed in this way.

For information on the GAF’s services, visit the website at www. The GAF can also be reached by calling (562) 431-9589 or (562) 301-5339.

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