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Turf health and playing quality get high marks in report

Turf health and playing quality get high marks in report Turf health and playing quality get high marks in report


Pat Gross Turf Solutions, an independent golf course industry consultant with expertise in maintenance, water conservation and tournament preparation, inspected LW’s Turtle Lake Golf Course on Aug. 17.

A report to the GRF last week concluded that the putting greens were healthy and in good condition; the fairways and rough had a clean, manicured appearance with good playing quality; and the bunker’s new sand and maintenance were providing good playing conditions.

The maintenance staff is doing a good job of repairing and maintaining the irrigation system, according to the report. Water applications are being properly managed to promote healthy turf growth and good playing conditions without creating wet spots or dry areas.

The GRF commissioned the evaluation to assess course conditions and solicit professional advice to fine-tune maintenance programs.

Among the report’s findings:

• The greens displayed healthy creeping bentgrass growth over more than 95 percent of the total surface area. Given the age of the greens, it was remarkable to see the high percentage of creeping bentgrass and the very low percentage of Poa annua.

• It was reported that the greens are mowed six days per week at a cutting height of 3/16 inches, which provides acceptable ball roll and preserves healthy turf growth.

• Soil profile samples taken from the greens showed deep and vigorous root growth to a depth of 6 inches with a moderate amount of thatch and organic matter in the top 1.5 inch near the surface. This is an indication that the greens are managed in an agronomically sound manner.

• Greens should be aerated in April and October by applying a heavy layer of sand top dressing.

• The current fertilizer program should be continued.

• Good agronomic programs are employed on the tees for mowing and weed control.

• The fairways and rough display a clean, manicured appearance with good playing quality.

• The new sand along with good maintenance practices are providing good playing conditions in the bunkers.

• The maintenance staff is doing a good job of repairing and maintaining the irrigation system.

• Water applications are properly managed to promote healthy turf growth and good playing conditions without creating wet spots or dry areas.

For the complete report, which includes information on all aspects of the course, visit GRF Project Updates at

Consultant's report finds that Turtle Lake Golf Course has a clean manicured appearance and good playing quality.

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