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Sept. 16 meeting will take place via Zoom


The Senior Peace Club’s next meeting will be held on Thursday, Sept. 16, at 3:30 p.m. via Zoom.

After just one in-person meeting, the club regrettably must resort back to the Zoom meeting format, as it is the only way to get this important program out to members during the surge of the COVID-19 delta variant. The meeting is being held on a different day and time than normal to allow for the availability of the speaker.

The meeting, which was rescheduled from August, will explain the new ethnic studies program being implemented in Los Alamitos and various other California school districts.

The club’s speaker, who wishes to remain anonymous, is a professor of ethnic studies and teacher education at a local university. The professor lives in Los Alamitos and has children attending school there. The speaker will explain what the Ethnic Studies program is and what it is not. There has been a lot of controversy surrounding the new program with a lot of misinformation being promulgated. The Senior Peace Club hopes to clear up any confusion about the program during the meeting.A question-and-answer period will be held at the end of the presentation.

To join the Zoom meeting, go to 6188281?pwd=M0dCeklMR0dGdXBZZnJKNEg0RGo3UT09. People can join by calling (669) 900-6833 for audio only. The meeting ID is 868 9618 8281, and the password is 667699.

For more information, call Jacquie Clarke at (562) 896-4453.

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