Notes from the 2nd District

Katrina Foley’s office distributes a weekly newsletter focused on her efforts in the county, updates on the COVID-19 situation and more. Below are some highlights from recent weeks.
Supporting Disabled Veterans: Senate Bill 498 by State Sen. Tom Umberg was officially endorsed by the County of Orange. This bill will allow for more disabled veterans to qualify for free legal services by reducing income requirements that have precluded them from accessing services in California because of the high cost of living. Foley thanks Antoinette Balta, a member of her District 2 Veterans Working Group and the executive director/cofounder of the Veterans Legal Institute, the sponsor of the bill, for bringing the item to her office.
Improving the Digital Divide for Seniors: Foley supports the OC Senior Citizen Advisory Council’s proposal to allocate American Rescue Plan (ARPA) funds to bridge the digital divide among OC seniors. The funds will primarily be used to purchase 2,200 iPads with data plans. In addition, funds will be used to purchase subscriptions to online training and classes to support District 2’s senior community. “COVID-19 has demonstrated how important it is for our seniors to be connected,” Foley said. “I look forward to working with the OC Senior Citizen Advisory Council to advance proposals that help address the technological needs of our seniors.”
There are two vacancies on the Senior Advisory Council. Anyone interested in serving should call (714) 480-6450.
Cleaner Skies Around JWA:
Moving toward cleaner skies around John Wayne Airport in Santa Ana, Foley made a motion to approve an airline lease with Air Canada for direct flights from Orange County to Vancouver. Air Canada has committed bringing in the Max 8 jet, which is known as a quieter and less-polluting aircraft. This will advance the county’s efforts to implement a Fly Friendly program.
Transparency at the OCPA:
The Board of Supervisors voted to approve expanded conflictof- interest rules for the Orange County Power Authority staff and consultants after Foley raised concerns about a potential lack of transparency. The OCPW was formed to offer clean energy alternatives for cities that choose to join, but it has faced scrutiny from many clean energy advocates.
COVID-19 Vaccinations:
As of Sept. 3, within the city of Seal Beach, 82 percent of the eligible population is partially vaccinated, while 74 percent is fully vaccinated. According to covid19. ca. gov, 10.2 percent of California’s eligible population is partially vaccinated, and 66.9 percent is fully vaccinated. Vaccine clinics continue to be hosted by the Orange County Health Care Agency; visit www. othena. com for locations and dates.
Golden West College in Huntington Beach hosts a free mobile vaccine clinic every Wednesday from 3-8 p.m. at the Student Union. Walk-ins are welcome.
Anyone who is experiencing COVID symptoms or has been exposed can request a Self-Collection Test Kit via occovid19. ochealthinfo. com/ covid- 19- testing.
Visit bos2. ocgov. com for more information.