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Has anyone seen this dog?

Has anyone seen this dog? Has anyone seen this dog?


My chia pet Nancy has been missing for several days now. Early Sunday morning, after she nosed me out of bed, we went for our usual walk, even though I was still half way between sleeping and dreaming. We decided to go to the community gardens. She knows many of the plants there, going all the way back to her seed packet days.

After a chat with Okra and Arugula, we stepped out of the gardens, and I soon noticed we were surrounded by a pack of feral rabbits. Their little noses were twitching in a friendly yet ominous way, and I could detect the sound of growling.

Suddenly, all I could see were tiny rabbits’ feet flying toward my face. I was knocked down and almost out. Two rabbits had grabbed poor Nancy by the ears, and a third had her by the tail. They bum-rushed her into a hedge, and that was the last time I saw her.

A few days later, a fellow chia pet owner sent me this photo, taken on his patio. As you can see, Nancy has been replanted with carrots. I can only imagine what her fate will be come harvest time. If you see Nancy, please contact the chia pet hotline.

—Jim Schneiderman, Mutual 3

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