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Faith Christian Asssembly

One of the great resources people will encounter when first connecting with Faith Christian Assembly is the monthly newsletter. Each month, Pastor Sheri Leming writes an encouraging and inspirational Bible-based message that is sent by mail or email for free to those who have requested it. The teaching is new each month and may have insight into current events or just about thecurrentseasonoflife. Sometimes all that a person needs is to just reach out for great resources like FCA’s newsletter.

People are invited to check out this month’s issue, where Pastor Sheri teaches from Matthew 11:29 and poses the question, “From whom are we learning?”

Find the newsletter on FCA’s website at or on the Facebook page at www.

Those who would prefer to receive the free newsletter by mail can sign up by calling the church at (562) 598-9010 or by emailing

Sunday morning worship service begins at 10:30 and the Sunday evening celebration begins at 5:30. The midweek Bible study, taught by Pastor Sheri, is on Wednesdays at 11 a.m. The pre-service prayer meeting is each Sunday at 5 p.m. The next Grief Share session will begin on Wednesday, Sept. 15, at 5:30 p.m. and continue meeting weekly at the same time.

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