Assembly of God

“A Strange Holiday,” based on Thessalonians 3:10-13, is the title of Pastor Chuck Franco’s sermon for the Sunday, Sept. 5, service beginning at 10:30 a.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 2.
LW Assembly of God continues to meet for Sunday morning worship and Wednesday morning Bible study while wearing masks, distancing, sanitizing and exercising as much caution as possible.
Those who are more comfortable remaining at home can sign up to receive a DVD of the Sunday service by emailing or call (562) 357-4360.
LW Assembly of God expresses its sorrow and condolences at the loss of Margaret Humes, dearly loved pastor’s wife at First Christian Church. Pastors Sheryl and Chuck Franco continue to pray for the recovery of all those still suffering from COVID.
As a community of believers, Galatians 6:2 instructs Christians to bear one another’s burdens, and Romans 12:15 says to “weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice.” Take time to do both this week. Comfort those who are mourning and rejoice with those who are rejoicing. In a wedding ceremony the phrase “with two, the burden is halved, and the joy is doubled,” is often shared. Assembly of God encourages people to let that be the principle that guides their actions. Keep in mind that these current troubles are temporary. Circumstances will get better. Restrictions will be lifted. People will once again be able to see friends’ full faces, without masks.
Those who need prayer or want more information about LW Assembly of God can contact Pastor Chuck Franco at, or call the church office at (562) 357-4360.
Prayer requests can also be directed tothe prayer team leader, Carolyn van Aalst, at (562) 3438424.