Learn to drive safe and smart with Officer Smith

California Highway Patrol Officer Mitchell Smith will talk about the Age Well, Drive Smart program on Friday, Aug. 27, begining at 10 a.m. for the Sunshine Club.
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Research by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety shows that senior citizens involved in traffic collisions tend to be more vulnerable than young people, meaning that seniors can suffer more severe injuries.
Crash prevention and invehicle occupant protection are urgent needs for seniors. The impact of aging on driving ability varies widely, but senior drivers need to know that gradual effects on vision, flexibility, and response times may compromise safety and eventually require them to stop driving.
To educate mature drivers, California Highway Patrol offers the Age Well, Drive Smart program statewide. Discussion topics in the Age Well, Drive Smart Program include:
• How to tune-up their driving skills
• Refresh their knowledge of the rules of the road.
• Learn about normal, agerelated physical changes and how to adjust to them.
•When it may be time to limit or stop driving.
• Understanding the alternatives to driving.
This approximately two-hour class is offered free of charge.
Smith was born in Fullerton, California, and grew up in the north Orange County area. While attending college and prior to beginning his career with the California Highway Patrol, Smith worked as an off-road race car builder and fabricator which gave him the opportunity to participate in many professional off-road races such as the “Baja 1000” and “Vegas to Reno.” He attended the California Highway Patrol Academy in 2015 and upon graduation was assigned to the Westminster Area office where he has served for the last five years.
Over the past five years, Smith has primarily worked as a road patrol officer, patrolling State Route 91, State Route 22, Interstate 5, and Interstate 405, in the north Orange County area.
Smith also worked as a field training officer, explorer post advisor and drug recognition expert. In 2021, Smith became Westminster’s CHP Public Information Officer (PIO). As the PIO, Smith represents the California Highway Patrol in contacts with the local media and provides traffic safety education for the communities of north Orange County.
For more information, contact Anna Derby at (562) 301-5339.