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GRF BOD Monthly Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, Aug. 24, 10 a.m.

Clubhouse 4 and via Livestream To view the live GRF Board meeting, go to www.lwsb. com.

The tab will be active at 9:45 a.m. on the day of the meeting. The livestreaming uses YouTube live and terminates at the close of the meeting.

1. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll Call 3. President’s Announcements 4. Seal Beach City Council Member’s Update 5. Shareholder/Member Comments Note: Foundation Shareholders/ Members are permitted to make comments before the meeting business of the Board begins. The Open Meeting Act allows boards of directors to establish reasonable time limits for the open forum and for speakers to address the board. (Civ. Code §4925(b).) Each speaker is limited to: four minutes when there are no more than 15 speakers; three minutes for 16-25; and two minutes for more than 26.

6. Consent Calendar a. Committee/Board meetings for the Month of July i. Minutes from Recreation Committee Board Meeting, July 1 ii. Minutes from Physical Property Committee Board Meeting, July 7 iii. Minutes of the Communication/ IT Committee Board Meeting, July 8 iv. Minutes of the Executive Committee Board Meeting, July 9 v. Mutual Administration Committee Board Meeting, July 12 vi. Finance Committee Board Meeting, July 19 b. GRF Board of Directors Minutes, July 27 c. Special GRF Board of Directors Minutes i. Minutes from Aug. 10 d. GRF Board Report, dated Aug. 5 e. Accept Financial Statements, July, for Audit f. Approve Capital Funds Investment Purchase 7. Ad Hoc Reports a. Governing Document Ad Hoc Committee b. Strategic Planning Ad Hoc Committee c. Website Ad Hoc Committee d. Management Services and Contract Ad Hoc Committee 8. New Business a. General b. Recreation Committee i. War Veterans Memorial Statue ii. American flag drop box c. Physical Property Committee i. Slurry and restriping of the Parking Lots at the Administration Building, Building 5 and Clubhouse 6 ii. Replacement of the Golden Rain Clubhouse 1 Parking Lot, Reserves and Capital d. Executive Committee i. Name Change for Executive Committee ii. Amend 30-5093-1, Member Rules of Conduct iii. Amend 30-5093-2, Member Rules of Conduct, Noncompliance with Rules of Conduct—Fines and Penalties iv. Amend 30-5093-3, Procedure for Notification of Violation and Right of Hearing v. Amend 30-5026-3 GRF Election of Officers e. Mutual Administration i. Amend 50-1650-4, Insurance Disclosure ii. Amend 50-1670-4, Leisure World Buying and Selling iii. Amend 50-1671-4, “Paws” for Thought f. Security, Bus and Traffic Committee i. Amend 80-5145-3, Security Committee Charter g. Finance Committee i. SRO Labor Rate Increase 9. Board Member Comments 10. Next Meeting/Adjournment The next regular GRF Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for Sept. 28 in Clubhouse 4 and on Zoom.

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