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Setting It Straight

In the GRF Board recap printed in the July 29 issue a Mutual was misattributed and a name was omitted. Rich Carson was misidentified as being president of Mutual 14 and Lee Melody of Mutual 14 was left off the list. It should have read that the GRF board moved to appoint to the newly established Management Services and Contract Ad Hoc Committee, comprised of GRF directors Carole Damoci, chair; plus members Paula Snowden, Marsha Gerber, Paul Pratt and Phil Friedman; Mutual presidents Mike Levitt (Mutual 4), Jeri Dolch (Mutual 8), Rich Carson (Mutual 12), Lee Melody (Mutual 14) and Jackie Dunagan (Mutual 15); and Resident Specialist Kathy Rapp.

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