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Pickleball Club

Wayne Gould, founding member of the LW Pickleball Club, invites beginners to a starter class on Aug. 25 at 10 a.m. on the pickleball courts behind Clubhouse 2. Topics will include player safety, serving and returning the ball, and rules of the game.

The class will conclude with an actual game, and people may continue to play after class.

Pickleball paddles and balls will be available for those without their own equipment. Participants must wear non-marking, closedtoe, nonslip athletic shoes; sunglasses; and athletic clothing.

To reserve space in the class or for more information, contact Gould at (562) 794-9546.

The semi-annual pickleball tournament will be held Aug. 29. Sign-ups for all levels of players can be found in the book on the table at the courts. For further information, contact Jerry Wrenn at (714) 538-1063.

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