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American Legion

The next district meeting will be held on Saturday, Aug. 14, at 9 a.m. at the Cypress Unit. American Legion is asking for as many members as possible to go as the Draping of the Charter will be held to memorialize Carol Martinez, who was the chairperson of the children and youth committee for the district. She died suddenly, and due to COVID-19 restrictions, the memorial could not be held sooner. After the district meeting, a memorial for Russ Hamby, who also passed away during the COVID-19 season, will be held at Unit 555 in Midway City. His wife, Kay, is the second vice president of the district. The group will carpool from Clubhouse 1 parking lot. Those who are interested in going should call (562) 594-0209.

On Thursday, Aug. 19, the Unit at 555 will serve a lasagna dinner at 5:30 p.m. The group will again carpool from the Clubhouse 1 parking lot at 5:15, call (562) 594-0209 to RSVP.

On Saturday, Aug. 21, a Girl’s State event will be held at Unit 555 to honor the Girl’s State attendees. Each unit must send a participant and bring something for the refreshment table. To offer to contribute to the refreshment table and to carpool to Unit 555, call (562) 673-1725.

The American Legion is still in need of poppy makers and volunteers for Bingo. To volunteer, call (562) 673-1725.

Membership dues are now payable by sending a check to Lorna Miller-Kaplan.

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