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Learn the importance of social connection

Learn the importance of social connection Learn the importance of social connection


Isolation and loneliness are known to have negative health effects, especially for older adults. Join the Sunshine Club’s meeting on Friday, Aug. 6, at 10 a.m. to hear from Patty Barnett Mouton about how important social connections are to a person’s well-being and how people can improve their health by staying connected.

All shareholders are welcome to join this Zoom meeting at 82089743?pwd=UGR3RlZRaUJ mWmlSNE9KdTdNMUh3QT09. The meeting ID is 849 8208 9743, and the passcode is 508742.

Those who want the Zoom link by email should text their name, Mutual address and email to (562) 301-5339 no later than today, Aug. 5, at 5 p.m. (text only, no phone calls).

Mouton, who is a masters candidate in gerontology, will discuss how critically important it is to re-engage socially postcoronavirus, and how to continue to develop and adapt to the new normal. Mouton will also highlight how social engagement can contribute to risk reduction for dementia and other health issues.

Mouton has served as the vice president for outreach and advocacy at Alzheimer’s Orange County since 2005. She currently manages community, clinical and interfaith outreach, as well as the advocacy and public policy activities at the local, state and federal levels. She has served as the co-chair of the OC POLST Coalition, now known as the OC Advance Care Planning Partners, since 2010.

In January 2020, Mouton assumed responsibilities as the program director for advance care planning with the Hoag Palliative CARES program. She currently serves in leadership roles on both the CalOptima OneCare connect and member advisory committees.

Active in the work of the OC Aging Services Collaborative and the OC Strategic Plan for Aging, Mouton serves as chair of the Social Isolation pillar for the project. Mouton is also on the leadership council for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange Whole Person Care Initiative, which is providing robust community education about improving access to excellent end-of-life care.

She has served on the board of directors for the Sacred Dying Foundation and currently sits on the Health and Nutrition Committee for the Senior Citizens Advisory Council in Orange County.

There will be four speakers this month, including Mouton tomorrow. Dr. Roger Moon, a certified anesthesiologist who specializes in interventional pain management will be on Aug. 13; Nora Oakley, OptumCare chiropractor on Aug. 20; and Mitchell Smith, Westminister CHP Officer

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