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GRF strongly encourages LWers to mask up inside

GRF strongly encourages LWers to mask up inside GRF strongly encourages LWers to mask up inside


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has just released data that suggests fully vaccinated Americans who contract the Delta variant can spread COVID-19 as easily as unvaccinated people infected with the variant.

With that in mind, the GRF is strongly urging people to wear masks if they are participating in group meetings and/or inside any clubhouse, GRF office or other community facility.

The new study caused the CDC to recommend that vaccinated people wear masks indoors in areas with high levels of COVID-19 transmission.

According to study findings, 74 percent of the 469 cases that CDC investigated occurred in fully vaccinated individuals. Genomic sequencing of samples from 119 of 133 individuals in the study showed they had contracted the Delta variant. The vast majority of the vaccinated people in the cluster—about 79 per

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