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Democratic Club

by Mary Larson

LW contributor

Democratic Club members and supporters look forward to gathering in-person for the first time in over a year. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, Aug. 18, at noon in Clubhouse 2.

Club leaders are assuming that most, if not all, attendees at the Aug.18meetingwillhavebeenvaccinatedagainstCOVID-19. Nevertheless, in accordance with the latest directives from the California Department of Public Health, all attendees are asked to wear masks regardless of vaccination status. As an added precaution, masks will be provided for those who arrive without one. No snacks or drinks will be served during the meeting.

It is appropriate that this month’s Democratic Club meeting will be held two days after the County Registrar of Voters will have begun to mail each registered voter a vote-by-mail ballot packet for the upcoming Recall Special Election. Members can look forward to a productive discussion during the meeting about ways to encourage all Leisure World Democrats and supporters to vote “no recall” of Gov. Gavin Newsom in this election.

Thanks to the foresight of the GRF board, Leisure World voters will not need to be concerned about poll watchers recruited by those who want to recall Newsom on Sept. 14. Voters will be able to deposit their ballots at a secure drop box located at 13531 St. Andrews Drive, in front of the Amphitheater. This voter drop box will be available 24 hours a day beginning Aug. 16. Voters who need assistance in delivering their ballot to the drop box can email or call (562) 296-8521.

Voters are also invited to Google “Statement From Officer Whose Recall Is Being Sought” to view Newsom’s statement as to why they should vote “no” in this election.

Club members at the Aug. 18 meeting will also have an opportunity to discuss the ramifications of a possible attempt to oust every one of the Los Alamitos Unified School Board trustees, be it a Democrat or Republican. If this second recall election does happen, Leisure World voters have the potential of being a very influential force in the outcome.

The Democratic Club believes it is unfortunate that Orange County educators, parents and students continue to battle over elective ethnic studies courses being incorporated or expanded in local school districts’ curricula.

The programing for the Aug. 18 club meeting will also include a preliminary look at what to expect in the June 2022 Primary Election. Of special interest to club members will be plans to recapture the 48th Congressional District for the Democrats.

LW Democrats and supporters who are interested in more in-depth reporting on issues can subscribe to the club’s electronic newsletter. There is no charge to subscribe, although readers are also encouraged to join the club if they are not already members. Email democraticclubsblw@ or call the editor Mary Larson at (562)-296-8521.

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