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Save the date for the Sept. 4 Anniversary Luau in CH 2

Save the date for the Sept. 4   Anniversary Luau in CH 2 Save the date for the Sept. 4   Anniversary Luau in CH 2


The Filipino Association of Leisure World (FALW) held its monthly meeting on July 11. During the meeting, the club elected its new officers for 2021-2023. The club also discussed and approved the continuance of its annual luau celebration. This affair is the club’s best-attended event.

Kahula Voyage Dancers

The beauty of the South Pacific Islands has been the envy of many. But to learned scholars, these islands were discovered by accident, by people sailing or drifting from southeast Asia. The most famous are the Hawaiian and the Polynesian Island groups. They are both known for their sensual dances during the early years but were banned by the European missionaries because the movements were seen as suhhestive. Today, the hula dancing as the world knows it, has been re-instated as a norm to all Pacific Islanders as part of their culture.

The FALW will bring a touch of authentic Polynesian and Hawaiian hula dancers to the community. Hula is a Polynesian dance that was developed in Hawaii by Polynesians who accidentally settled in Hawaii. Hawaiian hula dancers are usually dressed in a subdued costumes, while Polynesian dancers are typically more scantilly dressed and their dances include emphatic hip movements.

Join the FALW at its Anniversary Luau Celebration on Saturday, Sept. 4, in Clubhouse 2 from 6-10 p.m. and experience a taste of the Pacific Islanders’ life. Authentic tropical cuisine will be served and live music played.

This event is the FALW’s biggest fundraising program. Tickets are now on sale at $30 per person.

To RSVP or receive more ticket information, contact Eileen Merritt, (562) 486-1252; Ric Dizon, (714) 225-3597; or Ren Villanueva, (323) 854-6209. Tickets will be available in the Hospitality Room starting tomorrow, July 23, from 9:30-10:30 a.m.

Join the FALW's Anniversary Luau on Sept. 4 to celebrate Hawaiian and Polynesian culture.

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