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LWers learn to say ‘no’ to sugar

LWers learn to say ‘no’ to sugar LWers learn to say ‘no’ to sugar


Carol Chambers presented a program on sugar at the July 9 Wa-Rite meeting. Not only is sugar addicting, but it also wreaks havoc on the body when consumed at high levels, especially in the form of high-fructose corn syrup or sugar that’s been refined and bleached. This can trigger the process that leads to heart disease, diabetes and obesity. Sugar also triggers inflammation, which aggravates arthritis. Many club members have a sweet tooth, and as with most addictions, it’s very hard to give up or let go of sugar, but everyone in Wa-Rite encourages one another and celebrates the overcomers.

Jeanette Williams recorded a 4-pound loss this week, earning her the title of Best Loser. She followed exercises on YouTube and cut down on her portions with every meal.

Meanwhile, Gerri Seaton earned her Bachelor of Goal Weight Certificate. She’s lost a total of 32 pounds over the course of a few years and kept it off even during lockdown—that’s quite an accomplishment.

The club offers this food for thought for this week: “Your body is a self-help, self-healing machine when fueled properly.”

Wa-Rite is a support group for LW women aiming to lose 10 pounds or more. Members meet on Fridays in Clubhouse 3, Room 1, from 9-10 a.m. Weigh-ins begin at 7:45 and end promptly at 8:45. Contact Margaret Humes at (562) 296-5834 for more information.

—Margaret Humes

Eighteen members of the LW Bicyclists met for a delicious dinner on July 9 at Mangia Mangia Italian Restaurant in Huntington Beach. In addition to regular bicycle riding, the group also meets for lunch, dinner and social time. Join them for rides on Sundays (includes breakfast), Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9 a.m. at the North Gate. Helmets and safe shoes are a must. Call Mary Romero at (562) 810-4266 for more details.

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