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Letters to the Editor


Ten years ago, the president of Mutual 3 and I worked to get residents interested in using the parking roofs to generate electricity through solar energy as well as allotting some parking spaces to be set up for plug-in vehicles. Both are now very important issues, and many new opportunities for funding will soon be available. It is my hope that such projects will have the support they need.

Stan Brinton Mutual 3 Editor:

Thank you for publishing a wonderfully entertaining account by Joanna Matos of her Route 66 road trip. It doubtless brought rich memories to many of us of our own experiences on Route 66. Recently, I made a reservation at the historic La Fonda Hotel in Santa Fe.

Imagine my surprise to be offered a “Route 66 Special,” which includes a free margarita for my wife and me, a reduction in the charge for parking and a Route 66 deck of cards. The influence of the “Mother Road” lives on!

Fred Fenton Mutual 12 Editor:

Ah! There’s nothing like the sound of leaf blowers in the morning. And let’s add the overpowering and gag-producing smell of gasoline.

Operating a leaf blower for one hour produces as much carbon monoxide as driving a 2019 Toyota Camry from San Francisco to Denver—that’s 1700 miles (source: NPR).

I would like to ask GRF to walk its climate change talk and require its landscapers to phase out their gas-powered blowers (and mowers) with the electric version.

They are efficient, not costly, and landscapers across the USA are making the switch.

It would improve the air quality for Leisure World residents and lessen the health dangers for those who operate this machinery on a daily basis. Silence is golden. But, clean air is priceless.

Suzanne Dunwell Mutual 6 Editor:

I just came from a meeting in Clubhouse 3, Room 9. I was told GRF spent $350,000 to re-model the room.

It is beautiful, but there is a glass stove top, which should be covered when not in use.

Otherwise people may put things on it that might scratch it, and it would be very expensive to replace.

In addition, the acoustics are terrible. When people are talking, they can’t hear each other. It’s like being a restaurant where you can’t talk to the people you’re with because it’s so noisy.

I’m surprised that whoever GRF hired didn’t think of the noise level. Bev Bender Mutual 17 Editor’s Note: The cost of the GRFapproved test kitchen, part of the Learning Center in Clubhouse 3, was $110,000. Sound panels have been ordered to reduce the ambient noise. Editor:

On April 25, my unit’s toilet overflowed, and Service Maintenance sent Jesus Gonzalez to my door, an SOS call. Of course, he did a miraculous job.

On Saturday, July 3, the shower backed up, mine plus seven other units in my building had overflowing toilets or a shower spills at the same time. Again, Service Maintenance came to the rescue, and who do you think led the charge? Yup! Jesus, again doing his miracles, but this time he had his partner, Rafael Gutierrez with him. I kid you not. They were terrific in their work ethic, expertise and calm, capable demeanor.

Thank you to Jesus and Rafael and Service Maintenance.

Patricia Singer Mutual 6

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