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Congregation Sholom

Congregation Sholom will continue its hybrid service programs on Friday, July 16, in Clubhouse 3, Room 9, and via Zoom with Rabbi Rachel Axelrad at 6:30 p.m. and Saturday, July 17, at 9:30 a.m. The potluck kiddush lunches have resumed. Those who come in person on Saturday are asked to bring a dish.

New members who want to watch the livestream should contact Jeff Sacks to receive a Zoom invitation. Text Jeff at (714) 6420122, or email him at The link will have the meeting ID and password embedded. Those who want more details or need to practice can call Jeff ahead of time. The phone number to call for those who do not have Internet service is (669) 900-9128.

To join the Zoom meeting, go to 52519429?pwd=UDREWTA1N2 1jaXVUZUhyQmY1U01JQT09. The meeting ID is 375 251 9429, and the passcode is 8ZYy69. If not clear, call Jeff at (714) 6420122 well in advance.

The book club will meet on Tuesday, July 20, at 1:30 p.m. The club is reading “Here I Am: Contemporary Jewish Stories from Around the World,” edited by Marsha Lee Berkman and Elaine Marcus Starkman.

Congregation Sholom has silk-screened, reusable Congregation Sholom of Leisure World masks for sale for $5 each or four masks for $18, shipping included. All proceeds will go to the general fund.

Email Murray Pollack at or call (562) 331-3949.

Those who need to be added or removed from the misheberach list should let the rabbi know by Wednesday.

Those who want to participate in the games, book club or other services should contact Jeff to receive an invitation.

Anyone who wants to participate in Congregation Sholom’s services on Zoom should call Howard Brass at (562) 764-9090.

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