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Assembly of God

This Sunday is an appropriate day to celebrate the hard-won right to exercise religious freedon. While brothers and sisters in Christ around the world meet in secret churches or are in danger of being disowned by their families, kidnapping, torture and death, Americans enjoy the right to meet publicly and worship the way in which they are most comfortable. So, while enjoying the Fourth of July holiday barbecues and fireworks, take a moment to thank God for the freedom to worship. Remember the ones who have fought valiantly on battlefields or through the legal system to ensure that eveyone can exercise that freedom without restraint.

Pastor Chuck Franco will present the first part of his last sermon in “The Bridge” series on Sunday, July 4 at 10:30 a.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 2. His sermon for this week is titled “The Bridge of Destiny.”

The congregation continues the practice of celebrating Communion together the first Sunday of every month. Communion is open to all those who have professed Jesus Christ as their savior.

The midweek Bible study takes place every Wednesday in Clubhouse 3, Room 2, at 10 a.m. The group is currently studying 1 Peter, and the series is titled “Journey into Hope…When Life is Tough.” This study is interactive and open to everyone.

Assembly of God welcomes anyone who desires to experience a vibrant family of Christfollowers who care about one another, the LW community and the world. Those who have questions about the church, events, prayer or counseling needs can call (562) 357-4360, or email to speak to Pastors Chuck and Sheryl Franco. Prayer requests can also be sent to prayer team leader Carolyn VanAalst at (562) 343-8424.

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