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Republican Club

Republican Club Republican Club

by Brian Harmon

LW contributor

At the first in-person GOP Club meeting in over 14 months, Cypress College first year business major Braden Ellis spoke about the hostile environment for conservatives that exists at his school.

Ellis was in a widely seen video in which he was berated by his teacher for expressing his belief that the vast majority of police officers are heroes. The professor was put on paid leave, pending an investigation.

“If you don’t believe what the professors say, you will be punished,” he said.

Ellis estimates that 85 percent of the students at Cypress College are liberal or Democrats, 10 percent are Independent or apolitical, and 5 percent are conservative.

He said that after the widely reported video was released, other students in the class called him a racist, a bigot and an oppressor among other insults. He did, however, have one classmate text him, saying she agreed with everything he said in the class.

Earlier in the meeting, club president David Harlow discussed some of the beliefs that conservative Republicans are fighting for, including America, freedom, pro-life policies, God, family, equality, protecting American borders, American history and traditions.

The Election Integrity Project will be featured at the next meeting on Wednesday, July 21, at 7 p.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 1.

The Republican Club booth will be open the first Monday of each month, starting July 5 from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. outside Clubhouse 6. Volunteers will provide information on the California state governor recall election, voter registration and club membership. Merchandise will also be available for purchase.

The GOP club does not charge membership dues or impose any other financial obligation on members. The club raises money primarily through donations and selling political campaign memorabilia that it endorses in partisan and non-partisan races. Club funds are then used to support endorsed candidates, pay for speakers at meetings and cover miscellaneous expenses.

Anyone who wants to be added to the membership roster or receive more information can send an email to or call (714) 928-1950.

Members will be sent by email an agenda and minutes for each meeting and other information deemed necessary and/or appropriate by the president.

Club members are encouraged to share their opinions on public issues or ideas about what the club should be doing. To do so, call or text (714) 928-1950. Those who do not want their name, ideas or opinions to be made public should so indicate.

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