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Remodeled Fitness Center is a hub of activity

Remodeled Fitness Center is a hub of activity Remodeled Fitness Center is a hub of activity

by Patty Marsters

Located on the second floor of Clubhouse 6, the newly updated Fitness Center offers 10,000 square feet of workout space, with state-of-the-art equipment, free weights, classes in a “smart” group fitness room, personal training and more.

“It’s beautiful,” said Barbara Borutzki of Mutual 12. Since the center reopened in April, she says, she and her husband, Klaus, work out there every other day. “Everything is so nice, and it’s really clean.”

Attendants are standing by to help users operate the machines, and there are tutorials available at www. An attendant can show you how to link the machine’s video presentation to your smartphone, or you can check out an iPad to learn as you go.

The staff can also lead you through the circuittraining areas. “Everyone is just so happy to help,” says attendant and Mutual 11 resident Brynn Thompson. “A lot of times, residents will help other residents.”

But before you get started, take advantage of the “flex and stretch zone,” then return after your workout to soothe those burning muscles.

Also in the zone is an Echelon Smart Connect Fitness Mirror, which acts as a personal trainer with interactive workouts. “You can see yourself in the mirror, but you also see another person, showing you what to do,” said Angie Forney of Mutual 2.

Described as a “gym rat” by her husband, Dave, Angie belongs to four other gyms, but she visits the LW Fitness Center regularly. “It has everything I need,” she said.

“I love the functional fitness area,” she continued, pointing to the rack of colorful balls behind battle ropes, fitness bands and a mini trampoline.

Her favorite piece of equipment, though, is the Pilates machine. “We are so fortunate to have that,” Angie said. Classes are expensive, she explained, so she has been trying to teach herself via YouTube videos. “I wish there was a class. . . . There has to be someone here who could teach it.”

Many clubs are teaching classes in the group fitness room. With LW amenities reopening and clubs restarting, the space often hosts dance and fitness groups. “It is almost a dream come true to get the dancing floor in Clubhouse 6 for our club to have our class,” said Anna Derby of the Joyful Line. “I’m so excited about it.”

TheFitnessCenterisopenweekdaysfrom6a.m.-8 p.m. and weekends from 7 a.m.-5 p.m. No reservations— or masks—are needed; just sign in with a GRF ID. Rubber-soled, closed-toe shoes are a must, and it’s recommended members bring a towel. There are lockers with hanging hooks available for personal belongings, but residents will need to supply their own locks. The water fountains are open, and there are new refilling water-bottle stations.

Though he mainly uses the “impressive” array of free weights, Dave Forney points out, “There’s something for everyone here.”

Above: Barbara and Klaus Borutzki walk side by side on brand-new treadmills. Below: Recreation Manager Thomas Fileto (r) helps a resident check in.

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