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The first Panhellenic card party of 2021 will be at 1 p.m. on July 2 in Clubhouse 1. This new meeting place gives the group a lot more space. All party bridge players or anywomanlivinginLeisureWorld is invited; they do not need to be a Panhellenic member. For this first gathering, there will not be a lunch, but the group will vote whether to have future lunches catered.

Since this is the first time Panhellenic has gathered in more than 16 months, bridge players may feel a little rusty. Everyone is welcome to change partners or stay with the previous group. This is a good time for anyone who is learning to join. Those who want to play canasta or other card game are invited to do that as well. Bridge cards will be provided, but people are welcome to bring their own cards. There will not be any competition or prizes at the July 2 meeting. Contact Jan Krehbiel at (562) 431-8240 with any questions.

—Jan Krehbiel

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