Charotte Jaeger-Hudson 1928-2021
Charlotte Jaeger- Hudson passed away June 4, 2021, in Los Alamitos. She would have been 93 years old on July 11. She is preceded in death by her first husband of 39 years, Gene Jaeger (19271989), and her second husband of eight years, Rev. Paul Hudson (1932-1998).
Charlotte grew up in Crookston, Minnesota, where she met her husband, Gene. After a year in Tennessee and a year in Washington, D.C., they made their way to Riverside. Though they moved many times, from Iowa to Hawaii, they always landed right back in their favorite place on earth, Seal Beach. Gene and Charlotte resided in Seal Beach Old Town, College Park East and Seal Beach on the hill.
Charlotte moved to Leisure World in 2006 and was busy as a volunteer at the Hospitality Room in Clubhouse 6. She taught and dearly loved teaching Bible study classes nearly to the end of her life and was a faithful servant of the Lord. She was a longtime member of the Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church in Los Alamitos and the director of many church musical productions. Her annual Christmas “sings” were events to remember, where she mixed and connected people from various circles in her life. You may not have known anyone when walking into her party, but you were sure to have made at least two new friends before you left the party.
She retired from public education after more than 28 years of teaching and administrative assignments.
Charlotte is survived by her daughter, Mary Ruth (Jaeger) Greer (Jim); and her two sons, Gifford (Carol) and Talbot (Dawn) Jaeger; along with her 17 grandchildren and 26 greatgrandchildren.
Charlotte was an encouraging and positive soul, lifting the spirits of her many friends and serving people wherever she was planted in life.
Charlotte will be interred at Forest Lawn in Cypress on July 8. A celebration of Charlotte’s life will be held at 4 p.m. on July 9 at the Good Shepherd Church.
In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the “Feed My Sheep” ministries, care of Good Shepherd Church, 11600 Los Alamitos Blvd. Los Alamitos, CA 90720.
–paid obituary