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Notification of Proposed Changes to GRF Governing Documents

Per the action of the GRF Board on May 25, in accordance with Civil Code §4360, Notice of Approval, the Board hereby provides general notice to all Shareholders/Members of the following proposed changes to GRF Governing Documents. All Shareholders wishing to comment on the proposed changes may submit your comments by either emailing comments to the attention of the GRF Board Executive Coordinator or mailing comments to: Golden Rain Foundation, P. O. Box 2069, Seal Beal, CA 90740, Attn: Proposed Document Revisions. Please reference the name of the governing document on any correspondence you submit. All comments will be copied to the Board for review and consideration. The Board will take final action relative on these documents at its regular July 27 meeting.

RECREATION 26802374, Swimming Pool Rules 1. RULES

The following rules are to be posted at the pool facilities:

1.1. The pool and shower facilities are for authorized residentsAuthorized Residents only.

1.2. The shower facilities are for pool users using the pool facilities only.

1.3. Pool users must shower before entering the swimming pool or hot pool.

1.4. Pool users must provide their own towel for drying their bodies and/or hair (paper towels may not be used for this purpose).

1.5. Flip-flops or shower-type shoes must be

worn in the shower facilities and locker area.

1.6. Coloring hair in any pool facility is prohibited.

1.7. Only waterproof sunscreen lotion may be applied when using the pool facilities.

1.8. Light snacks are permitted in the table area only.

1.9. Glassware is not permitted in the pool area.

1.10. Swimming caps are recommended for members with long hair.

1.11. No diving allowed.

1.12. Pool users must observe hot pool time limit (15 minutes).

1.13. Running on pool deck is prohibited.

1.14. Seats may not be reserved.

1.15. Personal belongings are to be kept in a locker, but overnight storage of personal belongings is prohibited.

1.16. No photography is allowed in the pool area.

1.17. Approved swim fins are permitted between

the hours of 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

1.18. Approved flotation devices are permitted

between the hours of 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

1.19. The pool attendant is in the charge of the pool area at all times.


In conformity with the recommendations of the Medical Director of the Health Care Center Orange County Health Care Agency on Golden Rain Road and the requirements of the GRF’s liability insurance carrier, the following pool temperatures will be maintained:

2.1. Swimming Pool: 82° to 84° 2.2. Hot Pool: Not more than 104° Anyone who has been consuming alcoholic drinks should not use the hot pool. Hot pool use is limited to 15 minutes.


When your body, which has a normal temperature of 98.6°, is immersed in water with a temperature of 102°-104°, your body temperature increases and eventually becomes the same temperature as the water. As your body attempts to lower in temperature, the heart rate increases and capillary blood vessels dilate. This causes the blood pressure to drop and may cause fainting when you stand. The blood pressure can drop further as a result of perspiration from the heat.

Be aware that using the hot pool does or can cause the following:

3.1. Increase the workload of your heart.

3.2. Causes Can cause your blood pressure to drop, which may cause fainting when you stand and injury may occur from the resulting fall.

3.3. Can cause dehydration.

People have been hospitalized with hyperthermia after using the hot pool. The Health Care Center on Golden Rain Road makes four or five

emergency calls a year to aid persons who have fainted after using the hot pool.

When using the hot pool, alternate five minutes in

the hot pool and the regular pool, but spend no more than a total of 15 minutes in the hot pool.

If you are being treated for high blood pressure or heart trouble, you must have your doctor’s written permission to use the hot pool.


To maintain an atmosphere in which all people feel comfortable, the GRF insists on certain standards of behavior.

4.1. The lap swimming area is designated by the parallel lane lines on the bottom of thepool.

4.2. Lap swimmers must swim parallel between lanes.

4.3. There are four five swimming lanes avail- able. The first swimmer in each lane has priority.

4.4. If more than four five lap swimmers are present, no priority exists a second swimmer may share the lane. Everyone must make room for additional swimmers.

4.5. People wading, exercising or socializing should remain in the shallow area adjacent to the steps.

4.6. Backstroke swimming will not be permitted when the pool attendant deems conditions unsafe.

RECREATION 26803055, Recreational Vehicle Lot (RVL)—Rules and Regulations Renter/Lessee (R/L) must follow all rules and is subject to any consequences for failure to do so. The Member/Owner (M/O) is ultimately responsible for the behavior and actions of their R/L and will be held responsible for any fees, fines or disciplinary consequences incurred by the R/L. See Policy 30-5093-1, Shareholder Code of Conduct.

1. Recreational Vehicle Lot (RVL) General Use Conditions: 1.1. The RVL and its facilities shall be maintained for the benefit of all Golden Rain Foundation (GRF) Members Authorized Residents (A/R) in good standing (Member/Owner, Cooccupant, Qualified Permanent Resident and Mutual Renter/Lessee [R/L]), per the terms and conditions of the Trust Agreement, GRF Bylaws and Policies.

“Good standing” means that Members may not be delinquent on any assessment (more than 30 days), as well as related charges, fees or fines as verified by Stock Transfer and Finance Departments, for the storage of their Qualifying Recreational Vehicle(s) (QRV).

1.2. If the M/O subsequently rents their apartment, the M/O forfeits the right to retain their space and must notify the Recreation Department and remove their vehicle immediately.

1.3. If the R/L has leased a space in the RVL, the lease shall be terminated immediately upon termination of their tenancy in the M/O’s unit.

1.4. The M/O is ultimately responsible for the behavior and actions of their R/L and will be held responsible for any fees, fines or disciplinary consequences incurred by the R/L. See Policy 30-5093-1, Member Code of Conduct.

1.5. The Recreation Department has the primary responsibility for administration, governance and coordination of maintenance issues for the RVL. The RVL is authorized by the (GRF) Board of Directors (BOD). For information or maintenance issues in regard to the RVL, call the RVL Attendant at (562) 431-6586 ext. 373.

1.6. Annual lease fees shall increase at the time of renewal.

2. Except where otherwise defined and or approved by GRF policies, QRV will be defined in accordance with California Health and Safety Code (CHSC) 18010 as follows: “Recreational Vehicle” means both of the following: 2.1. A motor home, camper van, travel trailer, truck camper, camping trailer, with or without motive power, designed for recreational purposes, emergency, or other occupancy that meets all of the following criteria: 2.1.1. It contains less than 320 square feet of internal living room area, excluding built-in equipment, including, but not limited to wardrobe, closets, cabinets, kitchen units or fixtures, and bath or toilet rooms.

2.1.2. It contains 400 square feet or less of gross area measured at maximum horizontal projections.

2.1.3. It is built on a single chassis 2.1.4. It is either self-propelled, truck mounted, or permanently towable on the highways without a permit, i.e., car caddy 2.2. A park trailer, as defined in Section 18009.3 (CHSC).

3. The following QRV’s described solely owned by an A/R GRFMember(s) QRV, operated and registered by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is are eligible to be placed in a leased GRF RVL Space. All vehicles must be in operating condition: 3.1Travel Trailers 13 to 40 feet in length 3.2. Fifth wheel trailers 15 to 40 feet in length

3.3. Folding camp trailers 3.4. Class A recreational motor home, built on a truck chassis with a gasoline or diesel engine 3.5. Class C recreational motor home, built on a modified van chassis and usually overhangs the cab 3.6. Class B conversion van camper (may have a raised roof)

3.7. Boats on trailers (personal watercraft, i.e., jet skis, Sea-Doos or similar vessels) 3.8. Empty boat trailers are allowed to parkinthelessee’sleasedspace.Thetrailer and boat must be inspected together at the initial inspection and subsequently every six months (semi-annually).

3.9. Box trailers used solely for recreational purposes. No storage or workshops are permitted inside box trailers. Any QRV inside of a box trailer must be operational at all times, in working order and ready to use. Box trailers are subject to random inspection.

4. The following described vehicles are NOT permitted to be placed in a leased QRV space and may be towed away at the Member’s expense upon approval of the GRF BOD. The QRV MUST BE used primarily for the purpose for which it was designed.

4.1. RV of former GRF Members 4.2. Flat-bed trailers of dimensions greater than 7 feet wide or 10 feet long (including the tongue) 4.3. Non-Commercially manufactured QRVs and Trailers

4.4. Commercial rental, or similar type, open or closed trailers

4.5. Any eligible (as described in Section 2) DMV registered RV, passenger or commercial vehicle converted into a storage unit

4.6. Any trailer (other than flat-bed trailers described in Section 2) used to transport cargo that was not intended by the manufacturer for recreation.

4.7. RV not currently registered with GRF Recreation Department

5. All GRF approved QRV must be in operating condition at ALL times and shall be required to display current on-street/ highway registration, of any state, on the license plate.

5.1 Vehicles must be moved out of the lot and inspected annually.

6. Only a GRF approved QRV, registered solely to GRF Member(s) will be given a one-year RVL lease. The GRF Member(s) will provide the following information at the time of the initial application within 30 days of their QRV registration renewal: 6.1. A valid GRF Member’s State issued driver’s license

6.2. Proof of appropriate liability insurance with the GRF Member’s name as the primary insured 6.3. Vehicle registration papers with the GRF Member(s) name as sole owner

6.4. The current GRF Member’s identification card

6.5. Current emergency contact information Non-compliance with the above will result in cancellation of the lease in the RVL, towing of the QRV and/or disciplinary action.

7. Any changes in the QRV ownership, GRF Member’s address, insurance, phone number, emergency contact or license plate number of the QRV must be reported to Recreation Department within seven days of the change. Written notification shall be mailed or delivered by hand to: Golden Rain Foundation, P.O. Box 2069, Seal Beach, CA 90740. The Recreation Department will acknowledge receipt of the documents in writing.

8. Non-compliance with any rule or regulation contained in this policy may result in cancellation of the RVL lease, towing of the QRV and/or disciplinary action.

9. Spaces in the RVL will be assigned by the GRF Recreation Department on a first come, first served basis, one vehicle per space, at its sole discretion. A maximum of one space per Leisure World address will be assigned. Spaces will be assigned by the length of the vehicle in order to make the best use of the available spaces. Space assignments are subject to change upon notification. QRV shall only be parked within the footprint of the assigned space. A car caddy, as described in Section 2, may be parked with a motorhome if space allows. QRV not parked in their assigned space will be subject to tow at Member’s expense (See Policy 80-1927-37 80-1937-1) and/or the Member may be subject to disciplinary action.

10. No structures of any kind may be erected on the leased space (i.e., tents, portable garages, shed, unauthorized storage units, etc.). Only one GRF pre-approved storage unit may be placed in the space. A list of approved storage units can be obtained from the RVL Attendant.

11. The Recreation Department may request that GRF approved QRV will be moved as required for maintenance of the RVL. When a 10-day notice has been issued, and if the QRV has not been moved, Staff may move the QRV or have the vehicle moved or towed. All costs incurred will then be charged to the GRF Member leasing the space.

12. Annual billing will be sent to every lessee in the RVL prior to June 1. A prorated refund will be given only if the space is cancelled by GRF during the lease period.

13. The RVL access shall only be granted to those GRF Members having a RVL lot lease. A maximum of one key and one remote per space will be issued. Keys and remotes are the property of the GRF and are issued by the RVL Attendant upon signing a lease for a space. The GRF Member will be the only one issued a key and remote for access to the RVL. The GRF Member may not give or loan their key or remote to anyone.

Non-residents will not be allowed entry into the RVL without the GRF Member being present. The GRF Member must remain with the guest during the duration of their time in the RVL. All QRV will need to be driven or towed off of the lot by the Lessee. Authorization for entry letters will not be allowed. The Lessee is responsible for their guests at all times. 14. The Recreation Department will charge a deposit for the key and remote. This fee is refundable upon key and remote return to the GRF Recreation Department. Altering or reprogramming remotes or duplicating the key will result in disciplinary action and/or the termination of the RVL lease and/or tow of the QRV. No one without a QRV in the RVL shall have a remote or key. Anyone using same will be removed from the RVL, have the remote and key taken and will no longer be allowed in the RVL, even as a guest.

15. A current copy of the Recreational Vehicle Lot (RVL) Rules and Regulations Policy 70-1487-50 70-1487-1and Fees and Fines for the RVL 70-1487.01-50 70-1487-2 will be issued to the responsible party of the leased space at the time of application. The GRF Recreation Department will notify the GRF Member when Policy 70-1487-50 70-1487-1 or 70-1487.01-50 70-1487-2 are revised by the GRF.

16. The GRF BOD has authorized the Policy/Parking Review Violation (PRV) Panel to review all citations specific to the RVL, Policy 70-1487-50 70-1487-1, and has authorized the GRF Recreation Department to strictly enforce the GRF RVL Policy 70-1487-50 70-1487-1 and 70-1487.01-50 70-1487-2 noted herein. The GRF BOD has authorized the Recreation Department to tow or remove vehicles or property in violation of this policy from the RVL at the member’s expense. Any exceptions to Policy 70-1487-50 70-1487-1 or 70-1487.01-50 70-1487-2 require the written approval of the Executive Director or designee and BOD President of the Golden Rain Foundation. Member violation Violation citation records shall be kept for three years. The GRF BOD has established penalties for violations and has noted them on the fine schedule in Policy 70-1487.01-50 70-14872. Penalties may be greater for repeated violations within a three-year period.

17. It is prohibited to allow QRV slide-outs to be extended. Exception: when using the charging station.

18. It is prohibited to operate a generator in an unattended QRV. When the GRF Security or RVL Staff observes an infraction of this rule, the QRV will be issued a citation. The GRF Staff will attempt to notify the owner to shut it off.

19. If a QRV is occupied (lived in) while it is parked in the RVL, the responsible GRF Member will be subject to disciplinary action by the GRF PRV Panel. This violation may terminate the lease and/or tow of the QRV.

20. The speed limit within the RVL is 5 mph.

21. Drivers must observe established roadways. NO driving through or across any unoccupied spaces is permitted.

22. Drivers must follow the natural angle of entry and departure to and from their space.

23. Drivers shall not short the acute angle, nor cross lines or marked corners.

24. No off-road vehicles are to be driven in the lot at any time, but the GRF Member may load and unload them from their trailer.

25. All vehicles stored in the RVL must be operational at all times. Operational is defined as “in use, in working order or ready to use.”

26. No QRV stored in the RVL shall be on a planned non-operation (PNO) status.

27. All QRV leasing a space in the RVL must have a valid GRF RVL use ID sticker, clearly placed on the vehicle.

28. Members shall not engage in any conduct that creates a nuisance or otherwise interferes with the use and enjoyment of other Members’ spaces or adjacent residences.

29. All of the conditions of the Lease must be followed at all times.

30. The use of the Dump station is for Lessees only, and all posted procedures shall be strictly followed. An exception may be granted at the discretion of the RD.

31. No repairs of any kind shall take place at the charging station.

32. QRV listed for sale shall be approved by the RVL Attendant and posted on the bulletin board by the lot entrance. All sales must be by the owner only. No second party or broker sales will be allowed in the RVL. No “For Sale” signs are to be posted on the QRV.

33. Anyone selling a QRV that belongs to another can have their RVL privileges suspended or revoked and their lease canceled and/or the QRV towed.

34. No pets are allowed in the RVL other than to transfer the pet from one vehicle to the other.

35. Thepedestriangatemustbelockedimmediately after passing through at all times.

36. Guests shall not drive or leave their vehicles in the RVL at any time. This includes golf carts.

37. Spaces are NOT transferrable. If a QRV is replaced for the same type and size, then a Lessee can maintain their space, but the Lessee must notify the RVL Attendant and update their paperwork. If the QRV is smaller, it may result in a mandatory space change.

38. If the Lessee sells their vehicle, that space is not transferable. If the buyer is a GRF Member an A/R and is requesting a space in the RVL, they must be added to the waiting list in the chronological order of the request.

39. Lessees are required to keep the area around their QRV clean and free of debris and clutter at all times.

39.1. All trash is to be placed in trash containers

39.2. No debris shall be tossed onto the ground

39.3. No hazardous materials are to be disposed of in the RVL (i.e., batteries, tires, anti-freeze and other vehicle fluids) 39.4. GRF Members Lessees should be conscious of standing water and make every effort to avoid this (i.e., drain plug pulled, covers taut, etc.) 39.5. Tarps and covers must not be frayed or torn or create an appearance of neglect 40. It is prohibited to level, support or raise QRV, trailers or vehicle frames with anything other than permanently installed jacks.

41. Wheel chocks, planks, bricks, wheel covers, etc., are not to be abandoned in an unoccupied GRF Member’s space. Abandoned materials may be discarded by the GRF RVL Staff, without notice to the Member A/R.

42. Damage caused to GRF property or another Lessee’s property must be reported to the RVL Attendant immediately or, in his/her absence, to the Security Department, and liability will be assumed by the damaging party. Failure to do so may result in immediate accordance with the California DMV Code Section 20002.

43. No unapproved work or maintenance shall be done to any vehicle while in the RVL, unless provided by Policy 70-1487.02-50 70-1487-2.

44. One vehicle may remain in the Lessee’s space when the QRV is being used on a trip. The vehicle must have a valid GRF Security issued decal on their windshield. No GRF Member visitor passes are allowed. A Lot use pass must be obtained from the RVL Attendant and posted on the dashboard of the vehicle during the A/R’s trip.

45. Any prior RV or vehicle Parking Storage Lot Rules and Regulations or agreements in existence at the time of Policy 70-1487-50 70-1487-1 and Policy 70-1487.01-50 70-1487-2 adoption are superseded and canceled.

46. Non-payment of fees in addition to any

late fees incurred may result in the disciplinary procedures being implemented by GRF and imposition of fines up to $500 and/or cancellation of lease.

47. If an issued citation has not been addressed/corrected by the Member Lessee within 30 days of notification, a second citation will be issued. If the Member Lessee continues to ignore the violation, the GRF PRV Panel may recommend to the GRF BOD the termination of the lease and/or tow of the QRV.

RECREATION 70-1411-1, Facility Reservations The Golden Rain Foundation (GRF) Trust facilities will be made available for the use of all Members Authorized Residents (A/ Rs). The Recreation Department is designated to schedule the use of the clubhouses and other recreational facilities. The Recreation Department head is responsible for the equitable application of this policy.

1. Reservations Will be Planned to Provide for the Following Needs: 1.1. Facilities for the GRF, Mutual boards and committees;

1.2. Special events sponsored by the Recreation Department;

1.3. Facilities for religious services; 1.4. Facilities for Holidays; 1.5. Programs and/or functions that provide important information or services for the benefit of all Members will be determined administratively; 1.6. Facilities for recognized GRF clubs/ organizations;

1.7. Reservations for private parties must be made by and/or be for Members only;

1.8. All regularly scheduled reservations will be automatically cancelled on the following holidays each year: Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day; 1.8.1. The Golden Age Foundation may use the hospitality area of Clubhouse 6 on any holiday for the benefit of the Members.

1.9. Some scheduled reservations may be canceled on Election Days as required, if the clubhouse is to be used for polling, with advance notice to the club/organization; and The Clubhouse 2 Card Room is unavailable for reservations and is open for use on a first come, first served basis whenever the clubhouse is open.

2. Reservation Procedures

The Recreation Department will supply Community Facility Application forms for Members desiring to make a reservation in a clubhouse or other recreational facility.

2.1. GRF, Mutual boards and committees may make a reservation for meetings without the completion of the standard form.

2.2. The club or organization desiring a reservation must designate a responsible Member A/R to arrange for the reservation and the setup required. Any communication between the Recreation Department and the club will be through the designated Member A/R.

2.3. Members must pay a $200 deposit to use a clubhouse or the Clubhouse 1 Picnic area. The deposit must be paid 10 days prior to the event as a good faith deposit against any damage to the facility or overtime charges (See policy 1406-50). The deposit will be returned or refunded, less any fee for damages or overtime, within 10 working days.

2.4. The facility must be signed for at the time the request is made.

2.5. A complete setup plan must be in the Recreation Office 10 days prior to a booked event or the event is automatically canceled. If a caterer is to be used, the caterer’s name must be on the application (See policy 1431-50).

2.6. Clubs or Organizations registered with the Recreation Department may make a clubhouse reservation for as many as three meeting periods per week once a week on a regular basis, subject to availability. Additional one-time reservations in the same week may be permitted at the discretion of the RD.

2.7. Clubs, Organizations and Mutuals may not reserve Trust Property space on a recurring basis for holiday events. In case of a conflict, space will be awarded by lottery.

2.8. The limitation on private parties is intended to limit the use of the clubhouse facilities to functions directly related to Members A/Rs. Functions honoring nonmembers, or relating to nonmembers, cannot be scheduled. Reservations and arrangements can only be made in person by a Member an A/R.

2.9. Adult classes sponsored by the GRF will be supervised by the Recreation Department and will be given the same status as a reservation for recognized clubs. The use of a room or facility and its equipment by a regularly scheduled class will be available only to regularly enrolled studentsinthatclass.(Seepolicy1710-50.) 2.10. Individuals may not reserve any community facility on a regular basis.

2.11. All reserved activities in the clubhouses will be held between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 10 p.m. Any event extending beyond these hours will be charged overtime at the current rate in accordance with the janitorial contract. In the event of overtime, a minimum of one-hour increments will be charged.

2.11.1. In order for arrangements to be made with the janitorial contractor to provide the appropriate number of staff, advance notice of possible overtime must be given by the Member A/R at the time the reservation is made.

3. Clubhouse Cleaning Standards

All clubs/organizations using GRF Trust kitchen facilities are held responsible for the cleaning of kitchens and kitchen equipment. All facilities and appliances are to be left clean and orderly.

3.1. All dishes and silverware are to be properly washed, dried and placed neatly in the cupboards and drawers.

3.2. Refrigerators, stove tops, ovens, coffee urns and dishwashers are to be left clean.

3.2.1. The coffee urns are to be assembled in a unit following cleaning and drying.

3.3. Counter and tabletops are to be thoroughly scrubbed and washed down.

3.4. Shelves from refrigerators and stoves which have been removed are to be replaced.

3.5. All areas of the Clubhouse 1 Picnic Area must be cleaned by the reserving Member A/R, except for the barbecue, which will be cleaned by the custodian. When Member A/Rs or a club/organization does not leave the kitchen facilities in a reasonably clean and sanitary condition, the clubhouse custodian will do the necessary cleaning and report time and cost involved to the Recreation Department. The Member A/R or club/organization having last used the facilities will be charged. Any such charge must be paid before the Member A/R or club/organization can make any further reservations for use of any Trust facility. The Recreation Department is authorized to refuse further use of the Trust facilities to any Member A/R or club/organization that does not comply with the cleaning standards. This authority includes the right to decide who has violated the regulation. The reports made by the clubhouse custodian may be used as evidence in this determination.

4. Reservations by Outside Organizations

The Executive Director, with the Recreation Committee’s approval, is authorized to permit outside organizations and persons to use the clubhouse facilities when a service will be performed which will be of benefit to the GRF Members A/Rs.

4.1. This policy is interpreted to include, but not be restricted to, the following:

4.1.1. Elected Officials; 4.1.2. Utility company representatives; 4.1.3. Governmental Agencies; and 4.1.4. Special events.

4.2. The Executive Director is authorized to approve the following without the Recreation Committee’s prior approval: 4.2.1. Registrar of Voters and official polling places.


All uses of the Amphitheater is scheduled by the Recreation Department.

5.1. Priorities for Amphitheater use are: 5.1.1. Golden Rain Foundation (GRF) and Mutual annual or special stockholders’ meetings; 5.1.2. Recreation Department sponsored programs and public functions; or 5.1.3. Recognized club meetings and programs needing large seating capacity.

5.1.4. Any recognized political club of the GRF may obtain reservations for the Amphitheater when they desire to hold an event. The club sponsoring the meeting will be required to meet the following special conditions: Accept full financial responsibility for any facilities or services provided at the request of the news media or the political organization involved; Notify any concerned individuals that guests other than the official party can be admitted only by individual invitation extended by a Member of GRF; Give written notice to staff members where their participation or assistance is requested; and Hire any staff needed to ensure the fire-permit rules and regulations are enforced. These include capacity limits (2,500) and ensuring no one sits or stands in the aisles.

The Security Services Director is responsible for making the necessary contacts with the Seal Beach Police Department and security personnel accompanying the official party.

RECREATION 70-1428-3, Clubhouse Artwork Displays 1. All clubhouses and Trust property are available for the temporary display of artwork created by Golden Rain Foundation (GRF) Members Authorized Residents (A/ Rs) as space permits.

2. The Recreation Department (RD) head, in consultation with the Architectural Design and Review Committee (ADRC), is responsible for the display of such artwork in the clubhouses.

3. Display of artwork is at the discretion of the Recreation Department RD head, in consultation with representatives of arts and crafts clubs and/or the ADRC, to make the selections for display.

4. In Clubhouse 3, all hanging artwork on display must be hung using the display system; the wall behind the display system is not to be tampered with or damaged in any way. Exhibitors assume responsibility for any damage to GRF property.

5. Each display will remain in place for a mutually agreed upon time—generally for a period of two three months.

6. No display will remain in place indefinitely. Permanent display of artwork or pictures will not be permitted without specific permission of the Recreation Department RD head in consultation with ADRC.

All artwork is the responsibility of the owner. In case of loss or damage, the owner will hold harmless the GRF for any loss or damage to same.

7. GRF assumes no responsibility for loss, damage, or destruction of items while in transit, while on display, or during the setup or take down of the exhibit. All items brought to and placed in the display space are done so at the owner’s risk.

8. GRF will not provide storage for the property of organizations or individuals displaying on GRF Trust Property (this includes items used in preparation for the setting up or removal of a display).

Set-up and removal of displays should take place in as concise a time as possible.

9. The setting up and removing of display materials is the responsibility of the Artist/ Club and must be done at the days and times agreed upon with the Recreation Committee RD. 10. GRF Reserves the right to dismantle an exhibit that has been left past the assigned display time.

11. Honorariumsearnedbymembersorclubs maybetemporarilyorpermanentlydisplayed at the discretion of the Recreation Department head in consultation with ADRC.

12. Guidelines Content: 12.1. All Artists shall present their exhibits in a tasteful, artistic and professional-looking manner.

12.2. Granting of permission to display materials does not imply GRF endorsement of content; nor will the GRF accept responsibility for the accuracy or inaccuracy of statements made in such materials.

12.3. All displays must meet existing state and federal laws on obscenity, libel, defamation of character and invasion of privacy. Displays may not promote or represent any activity or purpose that is in violation of local, state or federal ordinances or laws, including copyright and public performance laws.

12.4. Displays may not oppose or support either a candidate for elective office or an issue appearing on the ballot.

12.5. Displays may not be used for either promotion or opposition of specific religious or philosophical/ motivational groups.

12.6. No exhibitor may solicit members for contributions in their exhibits.

12.7. Prospective exhibitors should keep in mind that the display space is located in a very open and prominent part of the Clubhouse; as such, it will be viewable by all residents. Accordingly, the GRF discourages proposed exhibitions that include significant elements of sexually explicit imagery, nudity, or graphic depictions of violence.

12.8. Thenameoftheartist/groupresponsible for the display may be included in clear view as a part of the display.

13. Sales: 13.1. The GRF is not in any way involved in the sale of items on display. Prices for items may not be displayed on the artwork at the GRF on Trust Property nor included on any information handout provided to/by the GRF. The artist(s) may provide his/her/their name(s) and contact information, either as a part of the exhibit or as a separate handout and handle resident requests for information on prices and sales directly. However, any sales of exhibited materials must take place after the exhibit has ended. No works of art may be removed during the exhibit period.

14. Publicity: 14.1. A short description, with or without photograph(s), of the display may be included in the LW Weekly advertising, including the GRF website, events handouts, newspaper article, or other community newsletter/news outlet. All publicity created by the GRF, and any photographic or written record of any exhibit, is the property of the GRF, and the artist/exhibitor recognizes, agrees, and authorizes the GRF to make whatever use of such, at any time into the future, the GRF deems appropriate. All artwork is the responsibility of the owner. In case of loss or damage, the owner will hold harmless the (GRF) for any loss or damage to same.

GRF President’s office and employees’ offices are exempt from this policy.

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